Run in, again.

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Cara POV

I could hear someone screaming bloody murder from a mile away.

Bridge. Magna demanded and I dashed towards the only Mons Lupus bridge.

"Help" A girl yelled and I saw it was Hannah Dash dangling from the bridge.

"Please help!" She struggled as I looked at her. Oh how I wish I could just leave her there, I hated her. She was the person who made my life miserable...

Offering her my neck as a pull-up I could see the hesitation in her eyes, but realizing that with no way would her upper body would support her, she finally grabbed a handful of fur. Her nails dug into my skin and I could swear she was breaking my skin, but through the pain, I pulled her onto the bridge.

As my piercing ice-blue eyes scanned over her body, searching for any scratches or bite marks, her eyes never left me. We made eye contact and I could see she was terrified but her eyes had mixed hints of regret and relief.

Questions were running through my mind. Who and why would someone push Hannah off this bridge. Hannah was never the suicide type.

"It's a white wolf!" Somebody screamed and, in a few seconds people in uniforms surrounding me.

U.W.C.  Little bastards, they must've done this... My mother has been warning me about them since I shifted the first time. They love hunting, catching, experimenting and then killing rare wolves like me.

I parked myself over Hannah, protecting her from these people. "Keep your distance men! This is a White wolf." One of the men demanded and I instantly knew that he was the leader.

A rumble came from the back of my throat. Hannah understood that she was in danger, and decided to dart to the safety of the crowd. The crowd were astonished because they always thought that White wolves and other rare species were out to kill humans.  

Scanning for a way out was impossible as everyone was covering the escape routes on the road. There was only one way out now and I knew it was my only chance of survival. They were starting to close in with their guns loaded.

I leaped into the water as they were closing in. The shots were fired as soon as my paws left the ground, and a painful jolted through my leg. The stream took me through the Alpha's territory and because of the pain my leg was in - I didn't fight it.

Deciding to get out of the water I limped towards a cave the water dripping from my now brown stained belly fur. I hid behind a rock that stood out in the cave, feeling the exhaustion taking over my body -my eyes fighting to close on me.

I was also losing too much blood for my liking, but I was just too weak to mind link my mother for help. Nice way to start the first day after I just woke up from resting for five days.

I wanted to shift, but I was too weak.

The world went black.


"She must be in here!" I jolted awake but started whimpering as the pain shot through my leg. What was the time? How long was I out?

Looking down at my leg, I saw that it at least stopped bleeding, but a puddle of dried blood surrounded my leg.

"I can't smell her, Alpha." The voice was echoing loud inside the cave and somehow made me disorientated. 

"I know she's here, I can feel it." He talked with a concerned voice. I know I didn't want to depend on the Alpha, but when I heard they were walking away from the cave, I panicked and mustered enough strength to give one last whimper. 

"Alpha! She's back here!" Some brown-haired guy came into my sight, but when I started to growl defensively he stepped back. Every male knew that you don't mess with an injured she-wolf.

"Hey, it's okay! We're here to help!" The Alpha sat beside me his eyes changing color between black and blue as he took in my state. Alphas have always been the most protective of their mates and I could see he wanted to tear anyone and anything apart.

While he was taking in my state, I scanned my eyes over his dress choice. From the looks of it, he didn't even have to shift to find me, so we were probably close to his house. He was dressed in a black tank top shirt that defined his muscles and some washed-out denim shorts, but he didn't have any shoes on at the moment.

"Can you shift?" He asked with concern, but I shook my head. "I know it's going to be painful... But you have to try, please? We can't drag your wolf back to safety..." He explained and with a sigh, I tried. It was excruciating, but I managed to shift all the way.

He covered my freezing body with a blanket immediately, while someone wrapped my leg in a bandage. I could see it took him a lot of willpower not to snap at the Doctor attending my leg.

"W-where am I?" I croak out as the Doctor finished bandaging my leg before he swiftly picked me up bridal style. His heat radiated off his body and both Magna and I started to relax in his arms.

"Our home." He replied as he carried me inside the big black stone mansion. It stood on the river bank, but no one would be able to see it as it was covered by a lot of trees and vines.

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