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Dean POV

* Another week passed *

"So where is she hiding?" The voice boomed through the house.

Father and I was currently seated in the study room when that voice spoke.

My father growled. It's one thing to interrupt a Alpha, but to break into an Alpha's house was another thing.

We walked to where he stood in the frontdoor.

"What are you doing here, Ben? " Father asked or more like demanded.

"I am looking for my future wife. Someone broke into my home and took her. No one else was there and only you know where my house is." Ben spoke calmly while dad shook of anger.

"We don't have her and she isn't your anything!" I shot back. How dare he?!

"Ben leave!" My father's voice boomed through the house.

The portraits rattled against the walls, and the room was dead quiet.
"You know where she is Dean, and I want her!" Ben growled back, challenging my father.

Oh if Cara was here...

The door flew open and there she stood, still in wolf form.

"Ahhh my love has returned!!"  Ben shouted, but it wasn't Cara, it was Magna looking at Ben with anger in her eyes.

Oh shot, Ben I hope you know a good hiding place or brought another pair of underwear.

3rd Person.

The white wolf growled and snarled. She looked at Ben with one mission in her head , to kill Ben.

Ben saw it and smiled a creepy smile, thinking she wanted him... Little did he know would it be his head that she wanted to rip off.

Magna looked around at her surroundings. It was Dean's house and both Dean and Mr. Dean stood there. Magna knew Ben has come here uninvited.

Magna walked closer to the happy Dean Jr. Oh how Magna missed him, but now was not the time to drool over the handsome blue eye guy. Magna and Cara had one mission, they wanted Ben's head off his body after what he order to do.

Earlier today :

Cara PoV

I didn't know how stiff I was from sleeping on the ground after I struggled to get up.

It was almost noon, time to feed.

I stood up and like my daily routine I went to the usual spot to fish. It could've been more than a week that I stayed in the cave , but everyday I went a little bit further in scavenging the land.

Today was the day I am going home, but first I wanted to go back to the village.

I set my journey towards the village, but some smell caught my nose fast.

That's odd... It smelled...


I quickly started sprinting towards the direction from where the smell  came from and the scene made me go weak.

People, children and wolves were running around frantically looking for water, life and their loved ones.

I started looking around for just one platinum haired girl, but she was no where to be found.

I helped where I could. Running around fetching water, dragging and helping people, wolves and children out of danger.

"Do anyone of you know where Xhara is?" I asked through a mindlinked for one of the wolves.

He looked at me, but shook his head, no.

I ran back to where her house should have been, but all that was in front of me was long gone and turned to ash.

I started growling, my anger bowling inside.

Only one person could've done this and that person is going to die today.

All I saw was red, and the urge to rip Ben's head from his body.

Back to the present

3rd person

Cara stalked towards Ben, but he still didn't get the idea of what this mighty wolf wanted.

He shifted and there stood a grey wolf.

"My love, you want a pup, don't you?" Ben asked the White Wolf through the mindlink, but what she said next made the grey wolf tremble.

"No. I want your head ripped off for killing my friends and those innocent people." The White Wolf replied.

"Then let us make a deal?" Ben thought fast, he thought he can win this round.

"If I win this fight, you need to become my wife and carry my pups." Ben smiled at the thought of his pups having half White Wolf blood and half Alpha blood. He smiled again at making pleasure to this magnificent wolf.

"You think you could win? You underestimate me and yourself Ben, but okay if I win you will be killed." Cara knew Ben couldn't win.

Ben didn't thought twice and nodd his head.

So the fight began, the two wolves were yapping , showing teeth and throwing each other around the room.

Dean and his son just watched as the two wolves fought.

Dean Jr. wanted to help Cara, he just had the urge to help her, but he knew she would hate him if he did.

So he just watched as Cara fought against the grey wolf with all her might.

"What did you do to Xhara?" Cara growled, her teeth and white snout was full of blood from she had bitten down on Ben's flesh.

The grey wolf's eyes had a creepy smile in them, but little did Cara know that Ben didn't know who this Xhara girl was and he had something to use against her.

"I hid her." The message came through.

"You know she's a screamer, it's kinda cute how she called out to you but you weren't there." The message went on, and Cara suddenly felt weak.

Don't listen to him , Cara ! Magna - Cara's wolf - spoke to her. Magna knew that Ben was lying, she could feel it.

"Where is she?!" Cara demanded.

"Like I said I have hid her, but if you want to see her you need to spare me. A trade for a trade , your hand for Xhara's life." Cara thought about it.

"Then... What kinda hair colour does she have?" Magna took over, she knew Cara wasn't thinking straight.

"Blonde." The grey wolf answer with certainty, but then the White Wolf smiled.

"Wrong." With one swift move , Magna had Ben on the ground in an instant with her paw on his neck.

"I knew you were lying." Magna spoke to calm for Ben's liking.

Ben's vision disappeared. The life drained out of him in an instance.

Dean Jr. looked at the White Wolf before looking at the Grey wolf laying on the ground, not breathing anymore.

The grey wolf's eyes was still opened, but they looked like his soul - lifeless and dull - the White Wolf panted.

"Thanks Magna." Cara spoke to her wolf, smiling.

"No problem child." Magna replied.

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