Calm down

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Maddies POV:
Oh my god! This is the 10th charger in the past month. I check my phone percentage:10%
I walk over to kalanis room and open the door.
"Hey Kalani I was just wondering if I could borrow a charger because mines broke again."I ask politely
I see her roll her eyes then say to me:      
"God maddie have you ever heard of knocking it's this thing polite people do.i swear everyone in this house is so annoying"she shouts throwing a charger that I luckily catch and then screams get out.
Instead of getting angry I just stand there,wait for her to calm down and then ask her if she wants to talk about it. She just bursts out crying. This has to be bad! kalani never cries.
"Kalani it's ok" I say wrapping my arms around her "just tell me what's wrong"
I say
"The thing is mads,I don't know what's wrong,I'm just moody and crying and upset and I don't know I'll be always kalani hilliker.15 years old. The eldest the one who should be a role model to everyone. I just need sometime to calm down"
I hug her one last time and go back I my room.

Kalanis POV:
I don't know what's wrong with me.
I'm in pain I'm moody and I'm upset. Probably someone hung I are and I'm tired. I lay in bed clutching my stomach and just cry. I saved my tears for the pillow. And now they won't stop coming. I'm in pain. My heads pounding I just close my eyes and sleep.

Yoooooo how you doing
So I know probably zero people are gonna read this and I don't know where I got the inspiration from but I just live dance moms and periods are natural things so yeh.

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