Chloe saw

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Brooke's POV:
I can't believe I'm actually going to have to wear a leotard for this dance. People will be able to see all of my cuts. (I have done quite a few more since last time) I tell gia I'm not feeling well and that I'm going to put the leotard on 5 minuites before I go on she said I can put it on now and get away from everybody by just sitting in the wings. I do this.
As I'm standing in the wings Chloe comes up to me.
"Hey brookie cookie, I know that you haven't been feeling your best lately and I'm not sure why but I just wanted to wish you good luck with your solo and I hope that you feel better soon" she hugs me and goes to walk away but then she notices the cuts on my leg
"I can't believe you would be stupid enough to do this, I'm telling gia"
" Chloe please don't, if you do she will be so angry and upset with me, I have a good reason. And I've stopped doing it now" ok the last part was a complete lie
"What's your reason?"
"Our moms don't want us anymore- they said that they can't keep up with our busy schedule, it's just too much for them"
"Oh Brooke it will all be ok, don't cry,I promise if you stop o won't tell gianna"
"Fine I promise" I said...

With both fingers crossed behind my back

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