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Gias POV:
I walked upstairs then knocked on Brooke's door and waited for her to answer it.
"Who is it" she called out
"Gianna" I replied
"Come in"
I walked through the door to see Brooke sat on her bed on her phone
"Brooke can we talk?"
"Sure what about"
"I just really want you to know that you can trust me and you can honestly tell me anything I won't judge you."
"I know that" she replied
"So is there anything that you want to tell me?" I question her hoping she would open up to me
"Ermmmm no I don't think so"
"Your completely 100% sure?"
"I'm fine,completely 100% sure" her voice was cracking with every word. "Ok I'll be in my room if you need anything"
I walked out and shut the door. A tear fell down my face...
She really doesn't trust me

Brooke's POV:
"I just really want you to know that you can trust me and you can honestly tell me anything I won't judge you."
"I know that"
"Is there anything you want to tell me?"
My mom doesn't want me I have no body to turn to I have no body to trust I don't know what I'm meant to do. I'm falling apart inside.I've started my period and I'm handling it on my own oh and I've made 4 cuts on the top of my leg because I just can't cope anymore.... I think I'm my head
But all that comes out is "no"

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