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Kalanis POV:

Today's the day of competition and I'm still on my period. I have a tampon in and my leotard on as I'm about to perform my solo.
"And next is act 2314 Kalani hilliker-ALDC- the ground we walk on" the announcer states. I strut onto the stage confidentley- perform my dance then walk off the stage that went quite well in my opinion
6 hours later

I'm lying on my bed scrolling through twitter when I see a link saying- 'Kalanis string can only mean 1 thing' I click on it
Below is a video of my dance. I watch it through and can't see anything wrong with it.
Then I read the rest of the article. M
Kalani hilliker performed at star bound Pheoniz Arizona today. But there was one slight problem for her- her period. Now you may be wondering how we know this. Watch the video again and focus on her right leg in particular....
That's right folks- kalanis tampon string was hanging out of her leotard!
Surely it is a nateraul thing for a girl to have but jheez she should have at least tucked the string in-vote on the poll bellow.
I was shocked I didn't think people would actually care about something as minor as a period.

Tuck it in-20%
Let it hang free-80%

At least 80% of my fans arnt complete idiots.
I don't really care if I'm being honest I don't want to have to deal with this crap over something natraul

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