I know whats going on

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Brooke's POV:
I know what's going on. It's my Period. It's never happened before. I go to the Bathroom to check and of corse I was right. I looked down at my blood stained pants and wondered what to do. I'm not telling gia. That would be far too awkward. I'll have to text my mom

Brooke-mom I have something to tell you❤️❤️
Brooke-I've started my period😕❤️❤️
Kelly-and your telling me this why?
Brooke- because your my mom?🤔❤️
Kelly-did Abby and Gia not tell you?
Brooke-tell us what?❤️
Kelly-that your at the mansion because we don't want anything to do wilts you anymore, we can't deal with your busy schedules and dance practices we're all done, bye Brooke- Kelly (ps don't text me and if you do don't call me mom!)

What. Well I can't really say I wasn't expecting it because I was. I knew they couldn't cope. But that doesn't mean I'm not sad. Well forget sad I'm heartbroken. I don't know what to do. I just curl up into a ball and cry. I cry because my mom doesn't want me any more. I cry because I have no one to turn to about this and I cry because I don't know what to do.

Kalanis POV:
I just finished solo rehearsal with gia. She told me to head back and check on Brooke. I walk through he door and head upstairs to Brooke's room. As I get closer I can hear crying. "Brooke are you ok?" I ask her with a worried tone. I can hear her sniffing and sitting up
"Yeah I'm fine" she says trying to hide the pain in her voice.
"Brooke I'm coming in your room and your going to tell me what's wrong wether you like it or not"
"Kalani I'm fine honestly, I don't need checking up on."
I open her bedroom door and see Brooke curled up in a ball on her bed holding her stomach and balking her eyes out.
"Brooke what's wrong?" I ask concerned
"Everything" replies hugging me
"Start from the beginning."
"Well we were at dance and I was feeling really funny and tired so gia told me to come home so I did, then I felt a sharp pain in my stomach so I went in the bath room to find blood all over my pants. I have no one to turn to."
"Brooke calm down just tell gia, I did. It was awkward at first but then she made me realise it's not."
"That's not all, I text my mom telling her and she said that none of the moms want anything more to do with any of us she said that our schedules are too much for them to cope with"
" oh" I said shocked at first but then I was ok with it because if my mom doesn't want me I don't need her.
"That's fine, we don't need them" I smiled
"Now come in we're going to tell Giana"
"Kalani I honestly don't want to"
"What are you going to do then Brookie cookie?"
"I'll just have to deal with it on my own" she said wiping her tears
"Ok then, I'll go back to the studio and tell gia your fine"

At the studio
Still kalanis POV:
"Gia?" I called out as I entered the studio
"Yeah" she said popping her head round the corner of the door
"I have something to tell you about Brooke but you have to swear not to tell her I said anything"
"Kelly told her that none of the moms want us anymore and she's really sad about it. And then she's started her period but she doesn't want to tell you because she feels like she can't trust you"
"Oh" gia said taken back a little bit
"Why can't she trust me" she sounds a little sad
" I don't know but you should probably talk to her because she said that she'll have to deal with it on her own and I don't think that she should have to"
" I will but I'm just a little but sad that she feels like she can't trust me and I'm sorry about all of your moms, Im sure they will al come round"
" if I'm being honest I don't care I have you"
Gia just smiled

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