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Kalanis POV:
I wake up in the same amount of pain that I passed out with. I managed to sit up and go to the bathroom. The walk to my bathroom attached to my room was painful. My lower stomach hurt with each step I took. I finally get to the toilet and pull my leggings and underwear down. I sit on the toilet and then look down at my underwear.
What has happened what is happening. I'm ill.  I don't know what to do. There's blood in my white underwear. I immediately check for cuts but when I don't find any I panic again.
I shove mounds of toilet paper in my underwear pull everything up. And then painstakingly waddle over to gias room.
She has to help me.  She is the one person I trust the most in this world. I get outside her bedroom door,clutching my hip.i hear her heavy breathing but open the door anyway.shes asleep. I walk up to her and shout whisper her name. She starts to stir but she doesn't completely wake
"Gia please I really need your help"I sat tears almost spilling from my eyes.
She sits up in bed.
"Kalani you have a bad dream come get in then" she says shuffling over.
"No gia I need your help"I felt embarrassed asking I don't know why but it just felt like I shouldn't talk about it.
"Sure what is it" gia says sounding a little alarmed and definitely more awake.
"erm...could you come with me please?"
"Fine"she says as I pull her out of bed and lead her to the bathroom
"Close your eyes"I say not wanting her to see my vagina
"Kalani I don't know why your taking your clothes off and at this point I'm not even going to ask but if your scared of me seeing you naked then your a little late seeing as I've known you since you were 4 and I know everything about you"
I blush realising the truth in her statement
"You done yet?" She asks
"Yes" I simply answere a little afraid.
I hold the blood soacjed underwear at arms reach but close enough to gia.
"Oh" she says
"Kalani We need to talk"

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