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Brooke's  POV:
I don't know what's wrong with me today, I've just felt really funny and I just haven't been myself. I have a solo rehearsal next with just me and gia but if I'm being completely honest I don't want to do it. I don't know why, I always want to have a solo and I always enjoy having then but I just feel really tired today. Plus I think I'm starting to get really fat.

Gias POV:
I move on to the solos and Brooke is the first one. As soon as she walks through the door I can tell there is something wrong with her. Her shoulders are slouched, her eyes are droopy and she just looks sad. "What's wrong Brooke?" I ask as I go up to her
"No she says as she goes to stand in the middle of the room"
" if you say so" I sigh
She starts to learn the dance but she has a look of pain on her face. I stop the music and ask her what's wrong. But all she says is she is fine and she has just hurt her ankle. I told her to go back to the house and she can sit out for the rest of the day. 

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