Not again

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Gias POV:
"Kalani what was that in there? Your acting like you really hate me. You won't make eye contact with me, you won't even look at my face. Have I said something have I done something." I tried to reason with her
"It's just that I feel really awkward about yesterday,I don't know why I just do, i don't know why I'm crying I just am I jut for hurt by the way that you gave me more criticism than the other girls"
"Kalani I gave you more criticism because I want you to live up to the expectations that I have of you. Why do you feel awkward? It's a completely normal thing. I have a period the girls will get their period soon enough, your mom has a period Abby had a period once!"
"I don't know it just makes me feel wiered"
" fine we'll make a deal if your in pain in class I've got to tell Abby but other than that if you feel like your ok to dance I won't mention it and we can forget all about last night, deal?"
She hugs me and then we go into the solos"

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