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Brooke's POV:
I just couldn't handle it anymore. It just happened. I rooms the razor and just moved it along my skin. I did it on the top of my thigh so no one would be able to see it when I wear shorts in dance. I know it was stupid and I know that I shouldn't have done it but it takes away my stress and my pain.

10 minuites later
I went to the bathroom and stuffer more toilet paper into my underwear. Honestly this is so stupid. I hate this. I wish I had just told gia when she came in. I'm so stupid. One more cut across my leg for being stupid.
That's it I'm not keeping secrets anymore. I'm going to Gias room and I'm going to ask her to come with me and I'm just going I ask her to come into my room and just show her my blood stained underwear.
I walked down the hall untill I was at giannas room and knocked
"Gia can I talk to you for a second"
She opened the door
"Sure what is it?" She said with a smile
"I need you to come to my room"
"Ok" she said as I practically dragged her down the hall
In Brooke's room
"Can you turn around please?"
"Seriously what is it with you girls and seeing you naked, I have literally taught you since you were 2: a year ago when we were ready for competition you didn't mind when I was sewing your bra or when you had to take all your clothes off so I could put your costume on." She laughed
"No it's not about you seeing me naked it's something else"
"Fine" she sighed
I took of my leggings and underwear and got a towel and wrapped it round my waist so she wouldn't see my cuts
I neatly folded my trousers and held my underwear.
"Gia you can turn round now"
She looked at the blood stained underwear and gave me a hug
"Do you know what's happening?"
"Yeah but I just wanted to tell my mom so she would be able to help me but I guess she doesn't want me anymore"
"Brooke your mom will come round, they are just annoyed that they don't see their whole family because of filming and everything."
A drop of blood just dropped onto the floor
"Yeah we should probably do something about that" she laughed she gave me a tampon and told me how to put it in. Then I was ready to stretch and then go to bed

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