Gianna knows part 2

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Kalanis POV:
I really don't understand, I can hear Brooke crying every night and I don't know what to do. I want to tell gia but it could be something personal that she doesn't want to talk to, she might not even want to talk to anyone about it. But it's still worth a try.

*knock knock*
"Brooke are you ok? Please can I come in"
"Yes" Brooke just whimpers.
I walk in and Brooke is just curled up in a ball in her bed; crying her eyes out.
"What's wrong brookie?"
"They don't want me anymore I'm completely worthless" I hear Brooke say. But I'm not concentrated on that at all. I'm looking at her leg.

"Brooke, what the hell have you done"
Brooke quickly looked down at her leg and covered it quickly
"Brooke I know what that is why have you done this"
"Kalani calm down I missed my mom it was a one time thing I promise im never doing it again I'm sorry"
"Brooke, if I find out you've ever done this again I won't tell gia, I'll go straight to Abby. Understand"
"Yes" she said with her head bowed
"I love you Brookie" I say as I walk out of her room

*knock knock*

Gia opens her door and lets me in.
"Gia I need to talk to you it's serious"
"Is it about your period? Is everything ok"
"No it's not that, it's about Brooke"
"Go on" she said with a concerned look
I sighed "Brooke's been self harming"

"Gia please don't flip out"
Tears were flowing down Gias face at this point
"How many are there" she asked in a whisper
"From what I counted there were 16"
Tears wouldn't stop coming down Gias face at this point
"Well what do I do now......."

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