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Kalani's POV:
Last night wth gia made me feel really awkward. I don't know why o just don't like the fact that there is blood coming out of my vagina and she knows. She's obviously going to tell Abby but I really don't want her to. I don't know what I'm going to do in dance today I just know it's going to be really really really awkward.

Gias POV:
I walked across the road to the studio. It was 5:30 so that meant the girls wouldn't be up for another hour and I would have enough time to: open up the studio, place the mats down for Acro, get all the solos ready and then help Abby organise the pyramid(which I think is a stupid idea.).
As I was putting the mats out a thought came to my head. What if Kalani doesn't feel comfortable around me anymore? I brush it away but the thought still remains in my head

Maddies POV:
I woke up at 6:30 like always brushed my hair into a high bun, brushed my teeth, had a shower, got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. All the girls were down there happily eating their cereal except for Kalani. She just sat there with her spoon on her hand staining at it. When I asked her if it was ok she put on a fake smile and said she just wasn't really hungry. Then she threw her cereal in the bin and waited for the rest of us to finish. I don't know what's wrong with her. Sh probably just misses Kira.

Kalanis POV:
I'm dreading dance today. I can already tell I'm just going to be weirded around gia and she's going to ask me what's wrong and I'm going to just act like a idiot.
We cross the street to get to the dance studio. Everyone's arms are linked. I'm linking with maddie, nia with Kendall,Chloe with Paige, and Brooke with Mackenzie. Every so often o would have cramps again and would hold my stomach which gave maddie a suprised look every time I did but I just said I'm feeling Abit ill.
When we got into the dance studio Gia was at the desk like always and she greeted us one by one like she always did everyone smiled and waved as she said good morning but I didn't. I just kept my head down and walked into the Dancers den to change into my dance clothes.
We all run into studio A do a quick stretch and start learning the choreography for the group dance immediately because Abbie said we don't have time for pyramid.
"And 5,6,7,8 and jump step fuatte and leap and grandiete and down slide back and pull." Gia said as we were learning the first part.

Chloe's POV
"Kalani your going left while everyone is going right start from the top." Gia sighed
I watched as a tear trickled down kalanis face. She never cries and Gia wasn't mean. Kalani just quickly wiped it away and continued dancing.
At the end of the group dance session we all sat on the floor to her the constructive criticism gia was about to give us (Abby wasn't here today)
"Maddie you just have to point your toes and straighten your legs other than that your fine" gia smiled
"Kenzie you need to practice the choreography a bit"
"Chloe you've got it"
"The same for Brooke Paige and Kendall"
"Kalani you can't stop in the middle of the dance and you need to get your lefts and right properly"
I watched as more tears trickled down her face she kept her head down so no one could see them but I could and I think gia could too because she looked shocked and upset. "Oh and Kalani I need to speak to you after class"
After that we all got up and got changed

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