Gianna knows

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Brooke's POV:
I didn't even place in the competition. But I didn't really expect to do well;after all I am a worthless,stupid,ugly,fat idiot. One more cut for being a crap dancer. Why am I so stupid? Why can't I do anything right? I bet anything it's all my fault the moms don't want us anymore. They probably thought I was too loud. Or too annoying. They probably just got tired of having to put up with me when we are at dance or when the girls invited my over for a sleepover. One more cut for making the girls' moms leave.

Thoughts come rushing to my head. Why do I talk so much? I'm so annoying. I should just be quiet and only answer minimally when someone talks to or asks me a question. I'm so stupid. I'm so fat. I'm so ugly. Why am I even alive anymore. I'm worthless. I just sit in my room, curled up into a ball; I'm the corner, just crying...

Gianas POV:

I'm sitting in my room choosing the music for Chloe's next solo when I hear crying from the room next to me, Brooke's room. I place my laptop down on the bed and silently walk to the room next to me. I knock on the door.
"Brooke sweetheart, are you ok?"
"Go away giana" Brooke said through whimpers
Why did she call me giana? The girls always call me gia! I'm so confused
"Brooke please just tel me what's wrong, it's so hard to help when you won't open up to me."
"There's nothing wrong just leave me alone" she stated through obvious tears
"Brooke please"
"Giana I want to be alone"
I gave in. She won't tell me what's wrong. It's like I'm constantly battling with her over everything. Why doesn't she just trust me?
Once again a tear escapes my eye
"Ok I'm in my room if you ever feel like talking"
"Ok" Brooke said her voice cracking
"Ok" I whispered..... I'm not even sure if she heard

Chloe's POV:
I heard Brooke crying, and I heard Giana talking to Brooke. Then I heard giana crying and then going back to her room. I don't know what to do anymore. It's like everyone in this house is arguing all of the time. No one even pays attention to me anymore. It's like I'm Chloe. Don't worry about Chloe, she's fine, she's always fine, she has to be there for everyone else but I have no one there for me.
Maybe if I started cutting too people would notice me more. Maybe people would pay attention to me. Maybe I wouldn't be just Chloe, the one who no one cares about. Maybe I will be important

I held the sharpener blade to my wrist but I couldn't do it. It was like someone or something was stopping me. I wanted to. I wanted to so badly. But I couldn't.
Why am I doing this to myself. I should just tell Giana how I feel. I should tell her everything.

Including what I saw on Brooke's leg during competition.

*chloe knocking on Gianas door*
"Gia can we talk?"
"Sure chlobird come in"
I sat down on Gias bed and just stared at my hands
"Well what do you want to talk about" gia asked in a soft voice
"This is stupid I'm just wasting your time" I said trying to get up and leave
"Don't be silly I'm here just talk to me"
" there's two things I have to say"
"Go ahead"
"Basically I've been feeling like the odd one out recently, like everyone else has something going on and they have all the attention and I'm just chloe, the one no one cares about. Why aren't I good enough?"
"Chloe, why didn't you tell me you felt this way?you're re not just chloe you're amazing. I love you don't ever forget that ok? And what else did you have to tell me?"
Should I tell her about Brooke? It could get Brooke into a lot of trouble and she did promise me she had stopped
"Oh it doesn't matter anymore I've forgotten"
"Ok as long as you're sure"
"I am bye giana thanks"

Gias POV:

Chloe's lying to me and she called me giana
I know there was a second thing she needed to tell me, or atleast wanted to tell me, why do none of these girls trust me anymore?

Authors note
Ohhhh you thought giana would find out about Brooke's self harm🤦🏻‍♀️ tbf so did I but I changed it at last minute😂 anyway I will probably do it in the next chapter byeee

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