»Cashed » Part I

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Cashed/kaSHed/adjectivethe state of marijuana receptacle whose contents have been thoroughly exhausted, leaving behind a ash residue

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the state of marijuana receptacle whose contents have been thoroughly exhausted, leaving behind a ash residue. 

"I don't know who you are anymore, Cash

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"I don't know who you are anymore, Cash."
"You never did."


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Janel Parrish as Renee James

Janel Parrish as Renee James

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She's back and more fucked up than ever ;) so this is going to pick up around the middle of season 4 (I know, I fucked up timelines, sorrrry). I plan on trying new things with my writing compared to You and I but not too much. It'll still be good and I am so freaking excited! Thank you all for everything!


Cashed » Lip Gallagher [2]Where stories live. Discover now