»Cashed » Part II

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Part II
"I don't want to know who we are without each other..."

"girls like her were born in a storm

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"girls like her were born in a storm.

they have lightning in their souls,

thunder in their hearts, and

chaos in their bones..."

"neither of us is happy

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"neither of us is happy

but neither of us wants to leave

so we keep breaking one another

and calling it love..."

"i love you as

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"i love you as

certain dark things

are to be loved,

in secret, between

the shadow,

and the soul..."

"Cassandra, how are you feeling today?"

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"Cassandra, how are you feeling today?"

"Please get the fuck out of  my face before I slam yours against the side of a baseball bat."


"Aren't you crazy or something?"

"We're all crazy, if you really think about it. Some of us just snap sooner than others. Don't worry, your day will come soon."


"Lip, you're in love with an older woman who's fucking married, just listen to me-,"

"Well it's better than being in love with someone who doesn't want it, so mind your own fucking business, Cash."


"I'm gonna burn her fucking house down."


Chris Wood as Julian Shaw

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Chris Wood as Julian Shaw

Chris Wood as Julian Shaw

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Daniel Sharman as Ty Rose


Why, hello, Mr. Rose. ;)
Part II will take place in Season 5 and possibly Season 6, so be warned.
The first chapter of this won't be posted for a few weeks because I'm going to Florida in a week and I really want to focus on rewriting and editing You and I until then.

I think I love this Cash more than any of the others. I promise, you're in for some good shit.

Anyways, who's excited?!

Thank you for everything, as always.

** (the song lyric is Ruelle - The Other Side)

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