Your child is jealous of the new baby prefence

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you child is jealous of the knew baby~

HARRY:  Ever since the new baby had arrived, Carson had been acting up a lot more than usual.  You and Harry still give him as much attention as you possibly can, but he’s not adjusting well to having to share that attention.  One day, about two weeks after the little one was born, Carson finally reaches his breaking point.  After a particularly difficult day, he throws the tantrum to end all tantrums.  “I hate the baby!  I hate you, Mommy!  I hate you, Daddy!” he screams, tearing through the living room and throwing all of the pillows, blankets, and cushions out of their places.  You and Harry simply wait it out, watching him rip the place apart and knowing he just needs to get his anger out.  Finally, he wears himself out to the point of falling asleep.  After a nice, long nap, you and Harry sit him down and talk to him.  “Why don’t you like the new baby?” you ask calmly.  “Because you and Daddy don’t love me anymore.”  “That’s not true at all.  We love you so much, Carson,” Harry assures him.  “But you don’t play with me anymore,” he says sadly.  Following a lengthy conversation, Carson is satisfied with the agreement to have a couple hours of one-on-one time with either you or Harry every day where you can give him your undivided attention while the other one takes care of his new sister.

LIAM:  You and Liam had been so worn out from now having to juggle two kids that it takes you a couple of days to notice just how much Makenzie had begun to isolate herself in her bedroom.  “Kenz, is everything ok?” you ask her one afternoon once you’d put the baby down for her nap.  “Yeah,” she replies without looking up from her coloring book.  “Is there anything you want to talk about?” Liam prompts.  “No.  There’s a new baby now, so I’m staying out of the way like I’m supposed to,” she explains, her tone suddenly a little more bitter.  “Makenzie, you don’t have to stay in your room all the time just because there’s a new baby in the house,” Liam starts.  “Yeah, we didn’t replace you, sweetie.  And besides, I think your sister would really like it if you told her a story or sang her a song sometimes,” you add on.  Makenzie just looks at you both sadly.  “What’s wrong?” you ask your daughter.  “Do you love me anymore?” she asks, her lip starting to tremble.  “Of course we do!” you exclaim, taking her into your arms, shocked that you hadn’t realized she’d been feeling this way.  “Very, very much,” Liam assures her, wrapping his arms around both of you and holding you close.  “And we want you to be with us, not here in your room all the time,” he tells her, leading her to nod, feeling needed and wanted again.

LOUIS:  From your perch on the couch, you can hear the pitter patter of Lea’s little feet moving about in her room down the hall.  “I wonder what she’s up to?” you mention to Louis who’s sitting next to you, craddling the little bundle.  “Who knows?  That girl is always up to something…and it’s always no good,” he muses.  “Lea!  Can you come here for a minute please?” you call to her.  In a moment, she’s in the living room.  “Yeah?”  “What are you doing in there?” you inquire.  “Nothing,” she quips with a quick shrug.  You raise an eyebrow at her.  “Doesn’t seem like nothing,” you mutter as she flits back down the hall to her room.  Several minutes later, she reappears, dragging two full duffel bags behind her.  “What are you doing with those?” Louis asks.  “Going to Grandma’s,” she replies confidently.  “Why?” he presses.  “Because.”  “Because why?” you pipe in.  “Because she gives me cookies and plays with me all the time.  She isn’t too busy with the new baby.”  Her words slice through you both, making you realize how jealous she is and how left out she must be feeling.  “Lea, come here,” Louis says softly, patting the small space on the couch between you and him.  Your daughter promptly scuttles her way in the spot.  “Mummy and I are sorry we haven’t been playing with you as much anymore,” he says once she’s settled.  “You know what, though?  Pretty soon, you’ll be able to play with your little brother and you won’t even want to play with us anymore,” you promise her.  She looks to the little baby and scrunches up her nose.  “All he does is sleep.  And poop.  A lot,” she says disgustedly.  This lightens the mood and opens up for a long talk with her about her brother.

NIALL:  “Niall, where did all those blankets go that I had folded and piled up in here?” you call to your husband.  “I don’t know, I haven’t seen them.  Shouldn’t they be right where you left them?”  “You would think…  And where are all the toys that were in the corner over here?”  Niall joins you in the nursery, investigating the areas where the things had gone missing from.  “You sure you didn’t move them?” he asks you after a moment.  “I’m positive,” you assure him, just as Cole passes by the doorway with an armful of baby toys.  “Uh, where are you going with those?” you ask, stepping outside of the nursery.  “Nowhere,” he answers simply, still beelining it to the other room.  “Cole, get back here,” Niall commands, stopping your son in his tracks.  “Answer your mother,” he intructs, prompting Cole to turn around and face you both.  “I don’t want the baby here anymore.  He’s annoying.  All he does is cry all the time and you guys never have time for me anymore,” he explains.  “Cole, why didn’t you just tell us that?  You didn’t have to…what are you doing with his things exactly?” you ask.  “Throwing them away,” he quips innocently.  “Ah, ok.  Well, you don’t have to throw the baby’s things away, sweetie.  We didn’t know you were feeling so left out lately.  What can we do to make you feel better?” you question, opening up a discussion where your young son pours his little heart out to you and Niall before retrieving the baby blankets and toys from the garbage.

ZAYN:  “Mom, how do you spell eBay?” Lane yells to you from the den.  “I thought you were using the computer to play a game?” you counter, putting down the dish you are washing and entering the den.  “I was, but there’s something I wanna sell.”  “How do you even know about all of that?” you press, sticking your hands to your hips.  “I heard you talking about it once.”  “Ok…well what are you trying to sell, exactly?” you mention, raising an eybrow.  “Nothing,” he lies.  “Babe, where did that photo go that was on the nightstand in the baby’s room?” Zayn asks, coming into the room after putting the baby down for a nap.  “Lane…” you state sternly.  “I don’t have it,” he insists.  “What’s going on?” Zayn inquires.  “Hand it over,” you demand, holding your hand out where Lane places the framed photo in it with a heavy sigh.  “Are you trying to sell your little sister??” you boom, finding it difficult to keep your cool.  “What?!” Zayn exclaims.  “I don’t want her!  She doesn’t like me and she’s taking you guys away from me!” Lane blows.  “That doesn’t mean you can just sell her!  You can’t sell people on the internet, Lane.  You should talk to your Dad and me about this kinda stuff,” you explain to your son.  “Well, I was gonna ask for a lot of money!  I wasn’t gonna sell her for nothing,” he assures you.  “How much?” you venture to ask.  “A lot!  Like 20 whole dollars!”  You bite back a laugh as you log your son off the computer and scoop him out of the chair.  “We are gonna have a loooong talk,” you inform him, carrying him into his room with Zayn following right behind you.


Hope you enjoyed. Request are still open if you want one about you and a certain member just comment your name, which boy , and what kind of imagine you want

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