you go to victoria secret together to get something

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you go to victoria secret together to get something~

HARRY:  You’d turned your back for two minutes, but that’s all the time Harry had evidently needed.  He traipses over with his arms full of nighties and other pieces of lingerie.  “Ok, try these on,” he instructs handing over the pile.  “What?  No.  Harry, we are supposed to be picking something out together,” you remind him, handing the clothes back.  “It’s my anniversary too, it should be a special night for me too, and I want to see you in one of these,” he insists, flashing you a cheeky smile.  “Alright, I’ll try them on, but I won’t model them for you,” you say firmly.  “What?  Why?” he quetions, the disappointment evident.  “Because I don’t wanna spoil anything for tonight,” you tell him seductively as you take the clothes back from him and head for the fitting rooms.

ZAYN:  “What are we doing at the mall?  I’m exhausted, this jetlag is killing me,” Zayn whines.  He’d just returned from a couple weeks away and wants nothing more than to crash somewhere and sleep.  “Just one thing first.  I promise you it will be worth it.”  As soon as you turn into Victoria’s Secret, his tired eyes perk up.  “What are we doing here?” he asks, raising a flirtatious eyebrow.  “I just thought it would be fun to pick something out together.  Maybe something you hate and can’t wait to get off of me,” you purr suggestively.  “Well, I wasn’t going to say anything, but I kind of hate what you’re wearing right now,” he tries.  You giggle.  “Not gonna work, but I appreciate your effort.”  “It was worth a shot,” he muses with a laugh as you both begin to scour the racks.

NIALL:  “What do you mean you want to go to Victoria’s Secret?” you question, confused by Niall’s request.  You both continue on your way towards the store as Niall says, “Things are getting boring.  I can tell you’re bored,” he adds when you open your mouth to protest.  “Tonight we’re gonna change that.  And it starts with finding you the sexiest bra and panty set this store has to offer.”  Niall’s unusual take-charge attitude has your mind already reeling.  “I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but I kind of like it,” you mention, biting your lip.  “Oh yeah, tonight is gonna be good,” he predicts, tossing an arm across your shoulders to walk into the store with you.  Before even picking anything out, you can tell it will be a good night based on all the sexual tension that’s suddenly beween you.

LOUIS:  “What about this?” Louis asks, holding a frilly pink blob of fabric in front of him.  “Looks great on you, Lou,” you deadpan.  “What’s wrong with it?” he asks, pulling it away from himself to take another look at it.  “It’s hideous!” you point out bluntly.  “Who cares?  What does it matter what you wear?  I couldn’t care less what you have on - I’m more concerned with getting whatever it is off of you.”  You laugh.  “I know, but we’re going away for a romantic weekend, and a romantic weekend calls for something new and sexy,” you explain.  “If you insist, but I’d be perfectly happy just ripping a pair of sweatpants off of you.”  “Has anyone ever told you how romantic you are?” you joke, picking up an item that catches your eye.  “You know I’m just teasing,” he says, smiling and kissing your temple lightly.

LIAM:  “I don’t know about this.  How does this one even go on?” Liam questions, turning the garment around in his hands repeatedly.  You giggle and take it from him.  “It’s simple.  This goes here, these go there, and those go like this,” you explain.  “I’m never gonna remember that; you’ll be trapped in that thing forever!  Maybe we should get something a little less complicated,” he suggests.  “Liam, you’re too much.  This isn’t that hard to figure out,” you tell him goodnaturedly.  “Maybe not for you.  You’re a girl, you’re genetically programmed to understand these things.”  You laugh at him, returning the item to the rack in search of something a little more simple.

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