you first outing date after you two started dating

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you first outing date after you two started dating~

ZAYN:  Shortly after you’d made it public that you are a couple, you and Zayn head out for a little bit of shopping one afternoon that he has free before his rehearsal schedule takes up most of his time.  “Oh my God, is that Zayn?” you hear a girl gasp from behind you.  “Yeah, I think so…  And is that [Y/N] with him?” another voice asks.  Out of the corner of your eye, you catch Zayn smirking just before he turns around to face the girls.  “Hi,” he says simply, sending the girls into a round of giggles through their grins.  “Can we get a picture with you please?” one of them asks.  Zayn smiles and replies, “Yeah, sure.”  Your initial reaction is to step to the side and let the girls get to Zayn.  It takes you by surprise when they say, “We want you in it too, [Y/N].”  A small smile creeps onto your lips, flattered that they are responding so well to you and your budding relationship with Zayn.

LIAM:  Before a concert, you meet up with Liam and the boys backstage.  Since news of you two dating has surfaced, you’d wanted to keep a low profile and not risk any confrontation with his fanbase, but he’d insisted you come out and see the show.  You’d gotten into the arena in one piece, no one really even recognizing who you are as far as you could tell.  There’s a knock on the door and one of the stage managers enters with a small group of girls with backstage passes.  Liam unwinds his arm from around your waist to greet the fans while you sit back in a chair and watch.  “You guys make a really cute couple,” you hear one of the girls gush to Liam.  “Yeah, and we can tell she makes you really happy,” another adds on.  “She does,” Liam agrees, shooting you a quick glance.  You smile at him in return and begin to breathe a little easier now that your first fan feedback is over with and had gone well.

HARRY:  It doesn’t take long before paparazzi starts following you, creating a scene that attracts attention from fans and other people passing by.  You and Harry had simply wanted a day out searching for a house, but an hour into it and it’s already turned into a commotion.  “Are you guys moving in together?” one girls asks as you make your way up the path to one place.  “Yeah,” Harry responds.  Some of the crowd aww’s, but there are a few people who state their opinions on the issue.  “But you guys haven’t even been together that long!  Why would you move in together already?  That’s so stupid.”  This ignites other comments along the lines of, “[Y/N] has him totally corrupted” and “She’s such a bitch for making him do stuff like this when they haven’t even been dating that long.”  Little do they know, you and Harry have been together for well over a year now, but it’s only within the last few months that news of it had broken out.

NIALL:  Entering an award’s arena with Niall’s parents, you can’t help but notice the scowls you receive.  You hold your head high and carry on as though it doesn’t bother you, but really you just want to know why you’re being treated that way.  When Niall joins you and his family after the show, he can tell something’s wrong.  “You ok?” he asks.  “Yeah, great.  Congrats to you and the boys on your awards tonight,” you try to say cheerily, planting a quick kiss to his cheek.  “Something’s up,” he insists.  Not wanting to ruin his night, you keep quiet, but it doesn’t take much for him to guess what’s bothering you.  “Just ignore them, babe.  They’ll come around once they see how great you are and how happy you make me.  And if they don’t?  Then obviously they aren’t a real fan if they can’t support me in my relationship with you.”  You smile half-heartedly as Niall takes your hand and you make your way to the after party.

LOUIS:  “I don’t know how I feel about this,” you whisper to Louis, grabbing tighter to his hand.  “What do you mean?”  “There are so many people following us and taking pictures…it’s overwhelming!”  “Yeah, it can be.  But you’ll get used to it,” he assures, giving your hand a gentle squeeze.  You make your way through the airport to the terminal that Louis needs to be at.  You take a deep breath, not knowing what to make of the situation.  You want to cry because you’ll miss him and don’t want to see him go, but you don’t want all these people around you to see you unravel like that.  Louis senses your tension and slips his arm around your shoulders, pulling you in close.  “I’m gonna miss you,” he whispers, planting a kiss to the side of your head.  That’s enough to send you over the edge and let a few tears slip out.  A couple of days later, after those pictures have surfaced on the internet, you happen to come across a few comments on one of them.  “They are so sweet!  I feel bad for her that he’s already leaving and they haven’t even been together that long,” says one commenter.  “I feel bad for him too.  You can just tell by the look on his face that he’s totally in love with her,” says another one.  And that observation is enough to put a smile on your face, the first one you’ve cracked since he left.

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