He finds texts on your phone that make him jealous

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He finds texts on your phone that make him jealous~

LOUIS:  You’re in the shower when your phone goes off.  Louis had known you’d been waiting for an important text, so he grabs your phone to check the message for you.  He scowls when he reads the message from an unknown guy.  He wastes no time marching off towards the bathroom and barging through the door.  “Who the hell is this?” he demands, showing you your phone screen as you poke your head out from behind the shower curtain.  “Louis, do you mind?” you ask, irritated.  “What are you doing checking my phone anyways?”  “You were waiting for an important message, so I checked it for you, excuse me for trying to be nice.  So who is this guy?” he repeats.  “Some guy I met through a friend,” you say offhandedly, returning to your shower.  “Some guy?  What kind of guy?” he insists.  “Why is this so important to you?  I met him, we got along, we’ve been talking, so what?”  “That’s it, just talking?” Louis checks, his voice sounding less angry now.  “That’s it.  We’re just friends,” you confirm.  You poke your head back out as you say goodnaturedly, “Now can you put the green eyed monster of jealousy away so I can finish my shower in peace?  And could you not bother me again unless the real message I’ve been waiting for comes?”  Louis chuckles.  “Yeah, I suppose I could do that,” he says playfully before leaning in to kiss your forehead.

ZAYN:  “Who are you texting?” Zayn inquires, siddling up to you one night in bed.  You’d been mindlessly watching a movie together, but instead of paying attention to the movie, you’re busily texting someone.  You laugh a bit as you hit “reply” and then cast your phone aside.  “No one,” you answer, turning your full attention to Zayn, knowing that he’s feeling a little neglected.  “No really, who is it?” Zayn presses, reaching over you to grab the phone from your other side.  “Nobody, honestly,” you insist, letting him take the phone and look at your messages.  “Who is he?” he asks, turning your phone to face you, one message in particular is highlighted.  You scoff.  “God, Zayn, turn off the jealousy for two seconds, would you?  That’s my cousin’s fiance.  He is planning a surprise party for her birthday and is just looking for my help planning it.”  “Oh,” Zayn replies sheepishly.  “Feel free to look at the messages if you don’t believe me,” you offer.  “I trust you,” Zayn tells you, smiling earnestly, a gesture that you return.

LIAM:  “No, he doesn’t know anything about it, so keep it quiet,” Liam reads your text message from over your shoulder.  He’d been passing through the kitchen and was going to sneak up behind you and surprise you with a kiss to the cheek, but instead it was he who got the surprise.  He notices that you send the message to your best friend before you turn around and spot him there.  “Oh, Liam, I didn’t even hear you come in here.  How was your day?”  “Good.  I didn’t really do much - kind of a boring day off, really.  How was work?”  “Same old, same old.  I’m actually gonna head out with the girls for a little bit tonight,” you quickly change the subject, grabbing your purse and throwing it over your shoulder.  “What are you gonna do?” he asks, failing to hide the suspicion in his tone.  “Get some drinks or something, I guess.  I don’t know really.”  “If you don’t know what you’re doing then how do you know where to go?” he presses.  “I’ll call them on the way,” you try to play it off.  In actuality, you’re headed out with your best friend to get some things together for the tour kickoff party you’re throwing for Liam and his friends before he takes off again for months on another tour in just a week.  “Uh-huh,” Liam grunts, not buying your story.  You peck his cheek quickly before heading for the door.  “I’ll see you in a little bit, babe,” you call over your shoulder.  “I’ll figure out what you’re up to, you know!” he calls back.  You simply laugh and carry on your way.

HARRY:  You’d left your phone on the couch while you go into the kitchen to make some popcorn for the movie you and Harry are going to watch.  Your phone chirps with the incoming of a new text message, something Harry would have just ignored if Lucy hadn’t stepped on your phone as she crawls into Harry’s lap, opening the message.  “I miss you,” reads the text from and unknown male friend.  Harry raises an eyebrow.  When you come back into the room, Harry has your phone in his hand.  “Um, thanks?” you say uncertainly as you take the phone from him.  “Is there a reason why you opened my message?” you ask, sitting down next to him on the couch.  “Why, have something to hide?” he asks bitterly.  “Uh, no.  Should I?” you ask, confused, as you glance at the open text.  You sigh audibly and punch out a quick reply.  “Should I be concerned?” Harry questions, clearly agitated by some strange guy texting to say that he misses you.  “He’s someone from years before you and I even met.  He recently started talking to me again.  I made it perfectly clear that I’m no longer interested in him, but he just won’t let it go.  He sends me at least one message like this a day,” you explain, annoyed yourself at this guys’ incessant texting.  “Oh…  Should we watch the movie now then?” Harry asks, changing the subject when realizing he’d jumped to silly conclusions.  You laugh and nod in agreement.

NIALL:  “Hey, babe?  You just got a text from-“  You cut Niall off by snatching the phone from his hand, already having an idea of who it might have been.  Niall had been texting your mom from your phone while you cook dinner; the three of you are trying to coordinate some arrangements to get together for some wedding planning.  He laughs, saying, “Whoa, where’s the fire?  Who is that?”  “Nobody,” you respond distractedly as you read the text.  “Nobody, huh?  Ok,” he replies, shrugging it off, but he can’t quite shake the nagging feeling that you’re hiding something from him.  After a few moments of silence, he snaps, “You do realize we’re getting married in seven months, right?  So if there’s something you need to tell me, now might be the best time.”  “What?” you question, turning your attention away from the pot in front of you and towards your fiancee.  “Who was that guy and why did you grab the phone so fast?”  “Niall, there’s no reason to get all worked up,” you mention softly.  “Then why are you acting so secretive?” he presses.  You sigh, and say, “He’s from the flower shop.  I know you said we had enough flowers for the wedding, but I just really wanted more.  So I went behind your back and have been ordering more,” you admit simply.  Niall chuckles.  “Seriously?  Why didn’t you just tell me you wanted more flowers that badly?  You didn’t have to sneak around about it.  You think I wouldn’t have noticed twice as many flowers in our reception hall?” he teases.  You smirk and reply playfully, “I was hoping that you wouldn’t.”

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