He annouces during a interveiw he is going to be a grandpa

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He annouces during a interveiw he is going to be a grandpa ~

ZAYN:  “Zayn, I can’t help noticing you have this goofy grin on your face,” the TV host mentions teasingly.  “Is there something funny we don’t know about?” he adds on.  Zayn just smiles more at being called out on this.  “He just got some really great news this morning and hasn’t been able to wipe the smile off his face since,” Liam says.  “Yeah, my son called this morning to tell me that he and his wife are expecting their first baby,” Zayn explains to the interviewer and the audience.  “That’s wonderful!  I can tell you’re massively excited,” the interviewer jokes.  “No, this is just how he is when he’s sad.  When he’s happy, you’ll know,” Louis jabs, causing Zayn to scowl playfully before the grin automatically reappears.

LOUIS:  “And we are back with Harry, Niall, Louis, Zayn, and Liam in the studio, and I have just received word that Louis has an announcement,” the radio interviewer speaks into his mic.  “I do?” Louis asks innocently.  “Oh, you mean about Lea being pregnant.  Yeah, it’s great,” he comments, but something is off.  “He’s just sad that he’s getting old,” Liam explains.  “Yeah, this is like the final nail in his coffin,” Zayn jokes.  Louis just nods sadly in agreement, a playfulness crossing his features.  “Aw, but new babies are exciting, no?” the man prompts.  “They are.  I’m just messing around, my wife and I are both really excited for Lea and my son-in-law.  We’re really anxious for the baby to get here,” Louis says, smiling at the thought of a new baby in his life to play with.  “That’s awesome.  Congratulations to you and your family,” the interviewer tells him.

NIALL:  “It’s been a while since you’ve performed together, but this reunion tour is proving that you’re just as popular as ever.  So what’s been new with you guys?  Is there anything big that’s been happening in the last twenty years?” the perky interviewer asks after introducing the group on her morning talk show.  “Niall’s gonna be a grand-dad,” Louis announces after a moment of silence among the group.  “You are?  Congratulations, Niall!” the interviewer speaks.  “Thanks, yeah, my son and his wife are expecting their first.  [Y/N] and I are really excited to be grandparents,” Niall says, unable to hide the smile that spreads across his face.  “That’s great.  We’re really happy for you,” the interviewer says on behalf of the crew of her show.  “Thank you - lots of excitement going around.  The little one is due just a few weeks after we wrap up this tour.”  “That’s great, Niall, such wonderful news,” the interviewer finalizes as the conversation continues on to another topic.

LIAM:  As the “on air” sign lights up again, the guys quickly shush their conversation, still acting like teenagers even though they are all well into their senior with grown children.  “What was that you all were saying?” the radio interviewer asks, trying to get one of them to repeat it on air.  The guys remain quiet, but she prompts, “Oh, come on, I’m sure your fans want to share in whatever it is.”  The four boys stare at Liam who simply says, “I’m really not sure if I’m allowed to say yet.”  “Allowed?  She’s your daughter; you tell her what she’s allowed to do, not the other way around,” Louis scoffs.  Liam laughs and nods as he says, “Alright, well I just got a text from her actually, telling me that she’s pregnant,” he announces.  “Oh, that’s great!” the interviewer chirps as the conversation continues.

HARRY:  “So, Harry, we just have to ask, are the rumors true?  Are you and [Y/N] going to be grandparents?” the young interviewer asks about halfway through her questions.  Harry beams as he says, “Yeah, we are.  We have a little granddaughter coming in about four months.”  “Aw, that’s great!  Do they have any names picked out yet?” she inquires.  “My son and his wife are still trying to pick one.  They’ve got a few in mind that they like, but they are trying to decide on that perfect name, you know?”  “Do you have any opinions or ideas on a name?”  “Nah, I barely even put in much effort picking out Carson’s name,” Harry says through a laugh.  The audience laughs as well before the interviewer segways into another question.

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