he likes your new hair cut

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he likes your new hair cut~

ZAYN:  “Guess what I finally did!” you call out as you enter the house.  “Um…you got a tattoo?  Pierced something?” Zayn guesses from his perch in the den.  You come into the room with a scowl on your face.  “No!” you scoff.  Zayn glances up at you, a playful smile dancing on his lips.  It’s then that he notices what you did.  “Oh, you cut your hair!  It’s cute!” he compliments as you strut further into the room like a runway model.  “I didn’t do much.  Just got it fixed up and restyled a bit, but it definitely needed that touch-up,” you tell him, taking a seat next to him on the couch.  “Couldn’t agree more,” he kids, receiving a punch to the arm for that one.

HARRY:  “What did you do to your hair?!” Harry asks, nearly choking on his tea when he sees you.  “You don’t like it?” you ask, feeling hurt.  He examines you for a moment, just taking in your new appearance.  “No, I do like it,” he decides with a definitive nod.  You glare at him through a creased brow.  “No, you don’t,” you accuse, turning your back to him.  “I do, I do!” he insists, stepping closer to wrap his arms around your waist.  “It just took me by surprise is all.  You’ve had long hair since the day I met you; I’m just not used to seeing you with short hair.  But it looks good, I like it.  I promise.”  “You better,” you demand playfully, turning around to give him a forgiving kiss.

LIAM:  You’d been nervous before heading out to the hair salon.  You’d wanted to try something new with your hair, but were afraid it would come out looking terrible.  Liam half-expects you to return home with just a trim to your usual style.  When you get home, you walk through the door with a grimace on your face.  “What’s wrong?” Liam asks through a laugh.  “What’s wrong??  Hello!!” you grumble sarcastically, pointing to your head, the grimace still fixed on your features.  “What’s wrong with it?  It looks great!” Liam tells you sincerely.  “It looks awful,” you oppose with a pout.  “I like it.  I mean it,” he adds when he sees the doubtful look you give him.  “Well thank you, but I still think it’s horrible,” you state, leading Liam to laugh at you.

NIALL:  As you wait for Niall at the airport with his mom, you notice that he has to do a double-take when he sees you across the way.  After taking a moment to greet both you and his mom, he turns his attention back to you.  “You changed your hair; I didn’t even recognize you for a second!” he says with a smile.  “Surprise!” you chirp lightheartedly.  “I just wanted to do something different with it for a while.  I got bored with it the other way,” you tell him as the three of you make your way to your car so you can drive everyone back to the house you and Niall share.  “I like it,” he comments.  “Yeah?” you check.  “Yeah, it’s nice,” he confirms.  “Thanks!” you trill through a smile.

LOUIS:  You’d been wanting to change your hair for a while now, but you’d been having a hard time deciding exactly what to do with it.  Finally, with the help of Louis, you narrow it down to two options.  You go to the salon for your appointment and come back home having chosen the one you know Louis likes better of the two.  “So, which one did you go with?” he presses curiously once you come through the door.  You remove your rain-covered hood to reveal the decision.  “Nice!  That’s the one I liked better, wasn’t it?  It looks like I have good taste, you look great,” he compliments a bit smugly.  “Thanks, Oh-wise-one,” you mock, shoving his chest lightly.

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