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"So what was it that you wanted to say?" She turned to look at him in the face.

"You," he started after a pause, "You are like water. It is the same water that flows gently on the riverbanks that engulfs a whole town in a wrecking tsunami. It is the same water that teems down onto the arid land that sweeps away our homes in a deluge."

She let out a small laugh, not quite in a scoffing manner, but not exactly the impressed kind of laugh.

"Why water? What about the other elements? Say, air. Isn't it the same air that you breathe, the same air that is essential for you to stay alive, that ransacks houses in a whirlwind? And earth, isn't it the same ground you stand upon that can shake and split in a way less graceful manner than that of a ballerina's?" A crestfallen look flashed across his face and her heart writhed. "And then of course there's fire," she continued even though her heart was scolding her head for being ever so ruthless," that little spark that dances before your eyes, that warms you up in the chilling cold nights–"

"Is the same flame that burns down a building in no time, taking away some hapless lives as it goes?" He offered, a light smile graced his lips and his eyes twinkled. Even so, her aventurine orbs could see it crystal clear how disappointed he was as this wasn't going quite as he had otherwise devised.

"It is rude to cut someone while they're speaking," she said crossly, sending a playful smile through her eyes.

"Ah, yes of course, I keep forgetting that it's the future ambassador speaking," the flash of hurt and self-blaming did not escape her as he laughed.

Before the silence came crashing down from which awkwardness would be borne, she opened her mouth and continued, "It is the same flame that destroys the forest, the trees, the place for animals to live!" She stood and started an invigorating speech as she flailed her arms dramatically.

He couldn't take his eyes off her – she was perfect in all she was. She wore her imperfections like her jewelries, and her worries are wolves she didn't feed. She was beautiful, she was clever, she was kind, she was the one who stole his heart. And there he was, captivated by her compassionate speech about endangered species and fire while all he could think of was her.

Every sway of her head that brought her hair to caress her neck. Every time she did that thing with her lips, drawing both lips together, pressing them in a thin line, all the while stealing his attention to those rose red lips. But never in a million years would that girl realize what she'd done, for she was in too deep in her own sea of thoughts. Every fiddle and every nervous habit – really, she could never stay still.

"But you know, it is still the same spark that can ignite that flame in your heart, fueling your desire to reach upon your dreams, to strive and to," an intake of breath as she thought of a fitting word. She exhaled, her arms open in an asking manner. A little shake of her head, ah, so this is what exasperation looks like when combined with lovely.

"Venture?" He suggested. She gave a little shrug of approval, tilting her head to her left and smiled. Her adorable smile reached her eyes like it always does – wide, toothy grin and all. Tout de suite, his features turned into that of a somber mockery. "You know there is a flaw there," he didn't let her marvel in her post-speech glory.

"How so then, pray tell?" That was an unmistakable challenge gleaming behind those green irises.

"Technically, fire is a result of a combustion in which a fuel is needed. Fuel, as in petroleum, natural gas, but as far as I can remember, not the fire itself," he stated triumphantly as she pouted. Her lips were always plump and full and red and mesmerizing – just like every other part of her.

"You egghead," she huffed, "you got me there," she sat back down and bumped into his shoulders. A moment of serene silence was shared, before he decided to break it as he returned her bump to get her attention.


"Hmm?" She leaned slightly towards him. He always smelled amazing – minty fresh mixed with what she'd like to think as a hint of an intoxicatingly piquant floral scent. What was it? Tangy vanilla? Orange blossom? Camu camu? But of course, her favorite part of being in such close proximity with him was how his warmth never failed to put her into an immediate contentment.

"Is it too cheesy if I restate my words?"

She craned her head, "What?" Her aventurine orbs met his obsidian ones. She'd never seen it so black, so unfathomably absorbing as they were at the moment.

"You're my fuel, then."

She pulled back. He missed her presence by his side almost immediately.

"No," her expression was a hundred percent serious. "Look, you're not going to get me through words, you may woo me, you may make me swoon, but you're not going to get me. I–" she paused, holding his gaze for what felt like decades. "I like you, Lance," her eyes softened. "I like you for who you are, for how you are just as human as I am," her hand covered his and she squeezed, her line of sight falling to their joint hands, "and if you like me, I hope it's not because of how perfect I am in your eyes, because 5, 10, 100 years from now, what will always stay with me are my imperfections," he pulled his hand from her hold and laid it on her cheek. Gently, he lifted her head to look into his eyes.

"Whoever gave you the idea that I want to woo you is a clueless man," he drawled, "well, or woman," he added quickly and was rewarded with a small mocking snort from her.

They held eyes for a second before his words settled in her head and she started pursing her lips which made him broke into a smile. The kind of smile that made her warm all over and made her wonder whether there were butterflies or hummingbirds currently growing in her stomach.

She started to move her head away from his maddening touch when he continued, "Because it was never my intention to make you swoon."

Was it just her or was he moving closer? She could see the little pores and soft facial hair on his face, every small detail was getting clearer to her view.

She was tempted to mention something about the little acne just below his hairline that was indiscernible from a distance but decided against it. She didn't trust her voice enough from their propinquity.

"I just want you to do something to the fact that you are currently in possession of my heart," his murmur almost went unheard. Almost, but she heard it just fine; it was as if he intentionally spoke it only for her ears to hear and none other – not the wind, not the sky.

He too was staring at her like it was his last chance to do so, memorizing each amber stroke on her green irises, each freckle that marked the ivory skin of her face. Perhaps, he was too transfixed with the sight of her that it took him a second too late to register that flicker in her green pools. That look that told him an idea had crossed her mind, an idea he probably wouldn't be too delighted about.

"I said, 'the fire fuels your desire'. It fits!" A winning smile smeared across her face. His own smile surfaced and he reached for her hand. Slipping cozily into his, she leaned towards him again. This is more than just serenity, more than contentment, more than comfort. This is worth it.

A/N: A long one, this one. Here it is, Randomness III! Aaand, just a little friendly reminder: yeap, the story of Lance and Silana starts and ends with this chapter. I originally wanted this to be the first chapter (and it was!) but... It's too long and heavy that some would be taken off-guard? Or not? You decide~

One question, do laptops have a shortcut for the dash symbol? I can only find a hyphen symbol... :'   

Post Scriptum

The name Silana means one who is dignified; a lady, while the name Lance means land, territory, homeland. Gotta pick the fitting name that's actually one of the most time-consuming thing when I write my stories :'D

*please note that any resemblance in names and/or characters is not intentional in whatever way possible and this applies to each and every time I use names, thanks!*

Love eternally,
Caera Keane

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