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The halls were pitch black as she flicked the lights on. One flip of the switch had luminosity pouring into the room like water into an empty glass, filling every crevice upon its reach incessantly until the whole room was coated in a muted luster.

There she stood, on the barren doorway, staring at the vacant apartment with the same vacancy in her obsidian orbs. For the umpteenth time, only a cold and dark apartment welcomed her into its unwelcoming arms.

She slung her navy-blue handbag to the love seat – no pillows, bare, just like how the rest of the apartment felt. Her leaden body was next to follow as the plush surface of the seat gave way to her weight.

He's late – yet again. Again, again and again and again. Was it her or was it work or was it something – or someone – else entirely, she had no idea. Her thoughts gnawed at her like a vicious tumor. Doubt, she recognized what it was, the seeds of doubt was budding and threatening to run rife.

Her arms went around her midriff, clutching, holding as tightly as she could as she tucked her knees closer to her chest and curled on the plush upholstery.


"Rhesa," a name, her name. Someone was calling for her. Dazedly, she could tell that the upholstery beside her sank a little. "Rees, come on, you can't sleep here," warm hands went to rest upon her cheek. She stayed still as she felt his slow and gentle caress, silently relishing the moment.

She blinked once, twice. The bleariness in her eyes failed her to fully recover her bearings. But these fingers, she'd become acquainted with them one too many times, "Rein?" She mumbled as she hoisted herself into a sitting position.

He hummed her yes, biting back a sigh. "I'm sorry I came home late again." He muttered. He rested his brow on hers, his hands gripping her arms tightly without passing her pain threshold. For what felt like eternity, everything was still save for the slow inhale and exhale of their mingled breaths. Both of them savored the tranquility, but braced themselves for the impending storm.

"How long," she croaked out shakily, "how long until this shattered?" Her voice cracked a little.

Inhale, exhale, he stayed silent for three breaths, his eyelids covered his amber orbs. She could almost hear the cogs and gears whirring in his mind and felt the regret creeping into her woe-absorbent heart. It was her uncertainty that had caused this quarrel in the first place.

He knew she was very well-aware of his current thoughts, of how he should respond best. He bit back a sigh, causatum, he reminded himself. There's a lot of ways to field the question, to respond, each with their own consequences. And right then and there, there's only one finale he wanted – a blissful one. He opened his eyes to lock with hers. "There's no counting the time, Rees. If you wish it, if you will it," he breathed out, "then it's yours, it's ours."

Her blue eyes had never been so alike with the ocean until then, gleaming with unshed tears. They both shut their eyes the moment she flung her arms around the warm, strong body across her. Her head found purchase on the juncture of his neck and shoulder, and she let out a contented sigh. Despite the urge for the harrowing sobs to run rampant, she didn't. Perhaps it was the sincerity of the moment that soothed her, but it was could also be the mind-numbing fatigue that had already claimed her.

If she wishes it, if she wills it – this, this is more than what she wishes and more than what she wills. This haven, ensconced within his warmth and his scent and his presence, no word could quite capture this.

A/N: Hey! I'm back~ the main idea was to have this someone doubting her lover, but in the end makes up with each other (yay ^^). I hope the message comes through... 🙄

Post Scriptum

So, Rhesa means an affectionate woman. Rein doesn't mean the rain, it means counsel; advice :3

I just realized that different source may have different meanings, but I got all these names and meanings from babynamespedia.

Love eternally,
Caera Keane

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