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Have you ever wondered how everything moves so fast? How you can look back at one moment; it hadn't been more than a month and yet it feels like years had already gone past.

Have you ever pondered on the pace of the universe? How at times it is as if the clock ticks slower than ever, and at other times it is as if it's been fast-forwarded.

Have you ever felt so small, insignificant in the expanse of space? How it feels just like getting lost in the midst of a bustling crowd? How lonely it feels while people were busy on their own, and you were just another speck.

It's easy to feel meaningless, isn't it? It's easy to feel numb, drained, and worn-out. It is so easy to get lost in life.

But have you ever paused for a moment and zoom out? It is astonishing how even when you pause, no one else stays still, including you. It is fascinating how we're like outer space objects of our own in the midst of the observable universe. From superclusters, to galaxies, and to planetary systems, inevitably, there will always be groups inside groups. We revolve around certain people while we still rotate around ourselves.

Even in a such vast universe, systems exist. Systems that do not consist of only planets, stars, moons, asteroids, but a whole lot more. Systems, where every being plays a distinct role with their own significance, could still go unnoticed. Systems that in some ways are similar to our society. They shift, too. They clash, too. They evolve, too.

So the next time weariness wash over you: pause and zoom out. Look at the universe, how many years have they endured? Yet they're still there, they still revolve and rotate and explore and venture. And most importantly, they still exist. They still exist for you and because of you. Don't be afraid to be you, embrace your feelings and thank you for existing.

A/N: Helloo~ This prompt actually started when I was walking and there was a car passing by. A thought came to me then, even if I stop, nobody else would. Everyone's bustling with their own lives, minding their own minds, submerged in their own world. That pause button is not an actual pause, but we should all have some time for ourselves to reflect back. Yha, what am I talking about huft. As you've seen, though, this one took a totally sharp swerve and uh, yeah, I'll probably write about that pause prompt later on. See ya!

Post Scriptum

There's some news: bad and good. The bad one is that I just found out that I can't copy my prompts from notes :((( Aand the good one is that I've just found out how to use dash on phone keyboards yeay! Kudos to the person who told me more about the observable universe! So sorry if I still got some things wrong :(

Love eternally,
Caera Keane

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