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Of Masquerades and Charades


Every hustle and bustle is never quite what it seems. A hidden agenda lurks just beyond the corner. The plastered smiles are a game of two truths and a lie.

Monochrome and bold colors blend together under the luster of glitters. Ornate feathers and intricate gold tracings are brands to mark the affluent. Yet some wolves might dress as sheeps – either to blend in or to infiltrate, each attendee with their own motives and strategies. Only the brave and the fool walk around barefaced. And only the wealthy snobs are imprudent enough to prance with ostentatious, extravagant masks.

Standing out is a necessity to gain recognition. Recognition, however, breeds hatred and envy, in which a lousy strategy would lead one to a straight downfall. Laying low is a stagnant choice, and boredom is its one true enemy. Lest their pursuit of excitement turn rabid, one should always be aware of their bearings and hold on to their anchor and moorings.

Trust is a currency and love is a gamble. Compassion is an endangered commodity and help is a perilous debt. Honesty is a risk and a lie means murder. A dance is a literal maneuver and a toast is a promise.

For better or for worse, the masquerade party is eternal, and only those who know how to play their cards in the pristine jungle shall survive.

- Sep 3, 2018

A/N: I forgot my own decision to update on dates with 8 on them 😅 Last update was just driven by my own impulsive impulse... Btw, I plan on updating until 25 parts and then I may or may not delete previous chapters to fit into 20 parts... it all depends on the feedback, actually.

Post Scriptum

Just a short contemplation this time. In all honesty, this is a product of my fear of the future.

Love eternally,
Caera Keane

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