1. You're Having A Bad Day and He Cuddles You (All)

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     I think that you should be at the age of 17 or 18 during this BSM


     You naturally had an perfect alarm clock in your mind but this morning it was different.... you woke up at 3:30 in the morning.... not fun. Why you may ask? Because your brother insisted on you playing Fifa 2016 than studying for your test now you probably won't pass the test... Fun. As you slowly fall back to sleep you think, 'I can idolize this time to study.' And so you did.

     Running on 4 hours of sleep you get up at 6 to go eat food.... Surprise surprise there is none and now your running late so you change and walk to school.

*time skip to after whichever subject you struggle in test cause I'm lazy af*

     "I didn't study enough" y/bff/n whispered. You sighed as you looked at your teacher grading your tests. "Me neither" you said looking at the sympathetically. Hopefully you passed.... As your papers were passed back you looked at the top of the page '71%' in red marker. You sighed in relief but y/bff/n pestered you to see the grade. '98%' written in red on the top of their paper.... 

     You were about to show your paper when Hannah (and if your name is Hannah then change it to Sarah) your bully since first grade picked it up and read aloud "OH MY GOD LOOK AT THIS SHE ONLY GOT A 71% HOW PATHETIC." You looked at her wide eyed and whispered "stop.... please stop." Why was every one laughing?  You didn't know but you couldn't handle it. You grabbed your paper and went up to your teacher and asked "May I please go to the bathroom?" your teacher looked sympathetically at you and said yes.

     As you left you still had your test and went to the bathroom to text Ashton to pick you up:

Y/n: Ashton can you please come pick me up I am having a rough day and need cuddles its okay if you can't

Ashy-Poo: Of course princesse coming now but in the car I expect and explanation

Y/n: Just say I have a doctor appointment or something 

Y/n: thanks again

Ashy-Poo: Np princesse be there in 5

     With that you put your phone on silent and walked back to class... they were getting ready to change periods thank god (or who ever you praise no judgement). You gathered your stuff as the intercom went off 'Y/N Y/M/N Irwin to the office for dismissal.' As you got u to leave Hannah/Sarah stuck out her foot and tripped you. You landed face first into a desk more specifically the bridge of your nose. 'How nice?' you thought as blood covered your hand. Walking out you grabbed a tissue and put it on your nose. You dropped by all of you classed and got work then your bag and went to the office.

      When you got there you saw Ashton and smiled. You grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the hell you call High School. 

     "What the hell happened to you?" Ashton said.

     You looked at him and said "nice to see you too."

     As you explained what happened you got int the car and heard laughing... Oh god all the boys... "... and then she tripped me and now I'm here" you finished. 

     Ashton looked at you and smiled.

     "Heyyyyy baby Irwin. Bad day?" You heard Michael say almost as a joke as Ashton started the car to go home.

     "Yeah..." you said looking out the window not wanting the conversation to continue. But the infamous Micheal wanted to now know.

     "What happened smalls?" Michael said.

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