11. He Says He Hates You (Mashton)

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A/N Kind of a sad topic but still a topic

Ashton, 16:

Lately you and Ash have been getting in lots of fights and throwing lots of words at each other today was especially bad and the boys were at the house that you pay rent for because Ashton insisted on you understanding how to be an adult.

"(Y/N) WHAT IS THIS?" You heard Ashton yell at you. 

"What it what?" You asked in a relaxed manor walking into the Kitchen where he was yelling at you from.

"This," Ashton slammed a box of condoms that you had to carry around for a school project they had a mic in it and recorded everything that was said. 

"It's for a project in our health class but you wouldn't know because skipping school was cooler than completing your education." You spat at him grabbing the box.

"Oh what project. Who can be the biggest slut and use the most condoms? Because there are barely any left in there." He said to you.

"You have no right to call me a slut when you probably had a girl begging for you last night while you were 'Hanging out with the boys' because I actually fucking care for you and called Luke and asked if you were with him but he said you went off with a girl!" You retaliated at him. You took it too far you knew but you were too angry to care.

"I Fucking hate you so much you honestly don't understand how much you aggravate me." He said seriously you felt your stomach do a somersault.

"I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment and not like you enough for you to love me." You grabbed the box of condoms and went into your room. Crying you went into the bathroom to take a shower. You leaned against the wall and traced over your cutting scars. You fought every urge to cut and just took a shower. Did he really mean it? Ashton always hung out with Lauren and Harry more than you. He probably did mean it. Before he went on tour he was close to you but now its after it's like you murdered his girlfriend or something. Sighing you rinsed off your body and turned off the water. You wrapped yourself in the towel and walked into your room. You turned on the light and got out a black sports bra and black underwear. You put on a hoodie and shorts. You turned off the light and crawled into bed. Silent tears streamed down your face as the darkness of sleep welcomed you. The only person who you truly loved hated you in return.

A/N that was sad

Michael, 18:

You knew Michael didn't really like you as a sister and preferred Harry or Lauren's presences to yours. So you wanted Luke to figure out which sibling he wanted while you were next to Luke so you could get the uncensored version of Michael's words. So Luke called him while you were at a sleepover aka his house. Ben and Jack were both interested so they listened.

"Hey Mate how are you." Luke asked Michael. You were recording the whole thing.

"Better now (Y/N)'s gone. Honestly she is so sensitive and clingy I hate it. Anyway how are your siblings?" You felt tears prick in your eyes.

"They are fine mate but I agree with you she is clingy my preference is Lauren to her but that's me what about you?" Luke asked. This was rehearsed and you quickly wrote it down to show Ben and Jack before they beat the daylight out of Luke.

"Mate I honestly like Harry more. He is an actual kid and knows how to have fun. Anyway I have to go." Michael Finished.

"Alright Ben and Jack probably want to do something anyway. Bye" Luke said as he hung up. Tears streaming down your face you hit the stop recording button. You pulled you knees up to your chest and sent the video to Michael and texted him "Hope you are happy". You gave Luke your phone because you didn't want his apologies. Ben pulled you into his arms as you sobbed. For the only person you have ever loved, loved his best friends brother and hated you in return.

A/N AHHHHHHHH I can't do Lukey's or Cally's part but after the second part of this I will do a cake part

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