6. You die (Michael)

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A/N  sry I haven't updated in a bit and I am going on spring break next week so probably no updates but if I can get internet I will update don't forget to request Love you all <3

*warning mentions of rape, drugs and death*


(His POV)

I shouldn't have let her go. A party was hosted by one of her friends mom. Couldn't be too bad right? Wrong. She went to a different party. Not telling me. At said party there were boys. Lots of them. Not cool. Alcohol was every where. so when I got a call from her at 3 in the morning I was terrified. That was 13 hours ago. 

~Flash back~

I got a call too early for comfort. So I groaned and picked up the phone and saw no other than my sisters contact. Smiling i picked up the phone.

"Hey (Y/N) whats up?"

"Michael it's me Ben (Just a random name of a guy friend I have) I need you to come here it's your sister."

Shooting straight out of bed I grabbed my keys. "What is wrong Ben? why isn't (Y/N) calling me?" I started my car pulling out starting to drive to where the party Luke was talking about was.

"Mate, A dude put something in her juice. We both know she is a googie goodie and instead of alcohol got cranberry juice. He took he upstairs and raped her. I have her now but she is unconscious I dressed her as carefully as I could."

"Alright I am here now and am coming i need you to bring me to my sister." I turned off my car and walked in and Ben was right there. He motioned  for me to follow him.

When he opened the door I saw the worst thing possible a naked boy and my sister laying on the floor. I picked up my sister and Ben followed me. He is the only one who knew what happened. I got into the car my sister in the passenger seat. I motioned for Ben to get in. He looked confused "You are the only one who knows what happened to my sister" I said to him. He just nodded.

~Flash back over~

Tears in my eyes I was holding her hand. It was cold. looking at her lifeless body. That monster. He killed her. She had so much a head of her. She will never experience so much. The feeling of being a mother. Being a wife. Getting Married. Settling down. Graduating High School. Going to college. Getting a job. All those wonderful things taken away from her. By that monster. That monster took her innocence for his own needs. His name is (Y/enemy that's a boy/N) and apparently they had some beef between each other.

"Hey baby I know you can't hear me and I know its unfair, but the boy who did this to you is gone. He is in jail. He won't ever hurt you again. Then again you are.... in a better place now. Just know that I love you and will never be mad at you, you decided to drink juice instead of any alcohol and I respect that and thank you for telling me to read 'The fault in our stars.' I love you. Always." 


Ashton: Wow that was... wow

Michael: *Sobbing uncontrollably* *gets hug from Luke*

Meh: YASS I SHIP MUKE.... sry not a good time. *Starts crying uncontrollably*

Calum: Wow she has an ugly cry

Ashton: *Hits Calum* at least pretend to be sympathetic *Huggs Meh*

Luke: Anyway *Sniffle* that was it hope you enjoyed and don't forget to request and Meh/Author put your name, what happens, and your age and don't be a silent reader tell us your thoughts

Everyone: Byeeee

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