2. Your little and get sick (Cashton)

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Ashton(your age 7):

     You were a big girl now or so you convinced Ashton that. So when you woke up and felt a pain in your stomach you ignored it just thinking you were hungry. As you made your way downstairs the pain intensified but you ignored it. "I'm just hungry." You said aloud to your self. When you walked in to the kitchen you couldn't bear the pain. It hurt too much.

     "Whats wrong pumpkin? Are you alright?" Ashy was looking worried at you.

     "My tummy hurts Ashy... Really badly" tears brimmed in your eyes as you felt something churn in you stomach. "oh goodness" you said as you ran in to the bathroom emptying you upset tummy.

     "Awwww its alright love just let it out." Ashton said while rubbing circles into your back. Gagging because there wasn't anything left in your stomach. "Its alright.... want some medicine?" 

       You nodded and as he left you brushed you teeth wanting the taste out of your mouth. He came back and put down the cup. "Thanks Ash.... are you going to make me go to school?" tears brimming in your eyes as you swallowed the medicine quickly not wanting to taste it.

      "You are definitely not going to school so you can change into your pajamas and come to the studio with me. Yeah?" You smiled and nodded. Walking into your room you put on sweatpants and a mcr tee that was probably Ashton's because its way to big. As you walked out Ashton picked you up but you didn't complain.

*Time skip because sleeping is too good of a thing for me to write about*

    " Is she awake?"

     "Mate why did you bring her?"

     "Is she sick?"

     You heard Ashton sigh and felt guilty "Guys she threw up this morning she probably doesn't want to go to school."

     A chorus of oh's erupted and you snuggled closer to Ashton and fell back asleep.

     "Wake up love you gotta take some medicine." You opened your eyes to see Mali and almost screamed. You loved Mali so much and she was so pretty.

     "Okay Mali but where are we?" you asked before chugging the meds from the cup.

     "We are in your bed right now. Calum told me you were sick and I didn't want you alone with four kinda aggravating boys." Mali explained and you giggled thinking about all the boys then you giggled even more.

     "Oh goodness the Irwin giggle its contagious" she giggled even more. Then someone cleared their throat. Causing you to abruptly look... Ashton. "Well I better go now it was fun (Y/N)."

    "Bye Mali, Love you" you said giggling again.

     "Love you too hun" and with that she left. You smiled at Ashton who walked over to your bed.

      "Ashy can we cuddle?" you asked looking into his eyes. Smiling ear to ear Ashton nodded.

     Long story short lost of cuddles and brotherly sister things.

A/N kinda went toff topic oh well 500 words just from Ashys part

Calum(Age 3):

     You were crying your eyes out because your throat hurt but you wouldn't scream because it hurt so you sat and cried.

"Hey pumpkin whats wrong? Why are you sad?" Cal looked worried.

    You just pointed at your throat as silent tears ran down your face.

     "Aww hun come 'ere" He said with open arms. You crawled into his arms. He cooed and picked you up and held you close to him. You buried your head into his neck. "Its alright love but you just have to take this medicine I know it tastes bad but it will make you feel better."

     You didn't even fight with Calum you took the medicine and laid your head back down on him. As you fell asleep a kiss was planted on your forehead "Good night (Y/N)."

A/N Awwwwww cute little calum

A/n so I'm really lazy so I will do a part two with the other boys tomorrow <3

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