3. He forgets Your Birthday (Ashton)

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A/n Thought of this while taking a test oh well and during a dream

(He is 20 and your 17 about to be 18)

You groaned and turned over in your bed. Then shot out of bed "I'm 18, I can drink and I'm a legal adult" you whispered to yourself. As you made your way down stairs you expected to see Ash but instead was a note that said:

"Hey (Y/N) I had to go record early today see you when I get home love you -Ashy" 

You smiled and grabbed a tub of ice cream and set up Netflix to watch Mean Girls 3 times until you knew all all the words to every character.  As you were quoting Regina you were cut off with a slam of a door.

"Why are you so obsesse-" The noise making you jump. "-d with me?" you turned off the TV and went to investigate the noise. "Hey Ash whats up?" you asked nicely he turned his head abruptly to look at you.

"I don't know? Maybe my Brat sister I tried to call 3 times today but instead decided Regina George was more important than me!" Ash said bitterly.

"I's sorry Ash it was a guanine mistake!" you shot back.

"You know your so ungrateful I do everything for you and I don't ever get a thank you from you. Your such a Brat."Tear filling your eyes. You put your head down a bit.

"Then why didn't you send me back to live with mom?" a tear stringing down you face.

"Because its hard enough for me it would be selfish to send you back to her." You looked at Ashton tears in your eyes.

"I'm so sorry I can't be the sister you deserve..." and you ran up to your room gathering your stuff you packed your makeup, clothes, and toiletries and wrote a note.

You jumped out the window and ran to your car and left no doubts in your mind. As you were driving you phone started going off you looked at the caller id and pulled off the road. Mom.

"Hey Mom whats up?" you questioned your mom. She never usually called.

"Where are you Ashton drove here crying saying you were gone." You winced thinking of Ashton crying,

"Well he should remember important date in his sister life Mom. On MY birthday. I'm 18 now I'm an adult I flew the coop on my own I'm sorry I was such a brat to Ashton to make him yell at me.... but I got to go I'm about to start driving again tell Ashton I forgive him but I have to go." And with that you hung up on your mom.

*Time skip two years*

You ended up driving to your gay friends house Anthony and his boyfriend Cole. They took you under their wing helped you change your name just a little bit though.  You even brought a new phone and number but you kept the other one and still payed the bill. You found it and saw you had 101 messages they were all from Ashton.


Ashton: If you don't came back in 15 minuets I'm going to Mom

Ashton: I'm in the car

Ashton: Oh God

Ashton: It was your birthday

Ashton: I'm so awful

Ashton: I heard your voice because mom called you

Ashton: You may forgive me but I don't forgive me

Ashton: Why did I do that

Ashton: I was so angry at the studio worker

Ashton: I recorded all my lines and they didn't record so I did them three times

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