9.He Is Suspicious So He Snoops But Gets Caught In The Act (All-Mikey)

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A/N so I was looking at what Author~Chan updated a lot of Mikey so the other boys deserve some spotlight 

Luke, 16:

You were being very distant lately but your longtime crush asked you to be his girlfriend so you wanted to hang out with him more. You were about to leave when you heard Luke talking to one of you other brothers.

"I'm really scared she is doing bad things, Ben! What if (Y/N) is having sex? Oh god! just the thought of that makes me want to castrate all guys that look at her." You heard Luke say you smiled. "So that is why I am going to be looking at her Diary. For safety reasons." Oh two could play at that game. 

So you went out to (Y/BF/N)'s house and stayed a bit longer and let him give you hickey's all over you neck. When you walked in the door no one way there to lecture you. Odd. Okay so you when to your room you grabbed you Diary. YOu wrote in your daily entry setting Luke's trap. Then you went to sleep.

*Luke's POV*

(Y/N) is out with her boyfriend again and I noticed she had a limp but didn't push it although I now think about it she was out a bit late last night. 

"Bye Luke. I love you" (Y/N) said to me before starting her journey I noticed a hickey on her neck. Oh hell no. I ran up to her room and grabbed her Diary and took it into my room. The entry from last night said, "Dear Diary, today Me and (Y/BF/N) went all the way. It started with just a simple kiss then he moved down to my neck then he moved to my boobs and was kissing the and sucking them leaving hickey's on those too. Then he took off my pants and fucked me senseless. Now Luke I sugest you stop reading my diary unless you want more of there entry's ps me and (Y/BF/N) have not had sex we are both Virgins so if you could not snoop and instead ask me that would be great. Love you lots, -(Y/N)" Sighing I took a picture of the  entry sent it to Jack and Ben and captioned it "Our smart sister."

A/N Ohhhhhhh Lukeyyyy needs to sthap snooping

Ash, 17:

*Ashy's POV*

I recently got back from tour and all my family was happy to see me except (Y/N). She was really distant from everyone. So I being the oldest investigated. I found her Diary and took it into my room and put it into my song book. I opened the Diary and was instantly surprised she wrote poetry. Not entry's. Poetry. I started reading them from the beginning they were dated. This was the day before I told her I was leaving again. "Happiness comes now and then, We cannot be sure just when. But when its there, enjoy each hour, Because happiness has such power, joy to you it will bring, Even make someone else sing (Ashton <3). What peace of mind happiness can show. Making you and others glow, Nurture it, make it last. Forget the troubles of the past. Never fear that it will grow, And then tomorrow there it will be, For happiness can set you free."  I smiled at the poetry flipping the page this one was called Game Over this one was dated to the day I left  "Over and over again the screen popped up. 'Game over' It said.' you lose' it said. 'You died' it said. it''s how we handle these losses that differentiates us. Unfortunately I had truly lost the most important game. to give love and receive love. 'Game over' I say. 'You lose' I say. 'I am dead' I say." Wow that was deep. flipping to the last page she wrote in. It was different. Instead of purple pen it was in red and titled Silver Lover "A broken mirror, A bleeding fist, A silver blade against a wrist, Tears falling down to lips unkissed, Ignore her and she won't exist, She's not the kind you'll come to miss, All her life taken by a Silver Lover." Tear's rolling down my cheeks i looked up to see (Y/N).

"You read it didn't you?" she asked me. (Y/N) didn't look mad but a bit sad. 

"Why didn't you tell me? I could have helped. Please let me help." I said looking at her. I pulled her into my lap and cried into her hair while petting the other parts. I put the journal and my song book on the floor and cuddled with her in my bed. I took her arm and moved the bracelets seeing scars from cuts. So many cuts. Not recent though. I put the bracelets back on her arm and fell asleep. I wish she would talk to me.

A/N I stole some of those poems from the internet but Game Over I wrote from memory. I put that in a poetry contest and won 1 st place and got a ring pop. But Ashton UGHHHHHHHH THE FEELLLLLLLSSSSSSS

Cal, 16:

Your boyfriend of 5 years was hanging out with you in your room and thing were getting heated. By heated you meant you were beating his ass at Fifa 2016. As you won you dropped your controller and screamed "SUCK IT" to (Y/BF/N).

"Gladly" he said smirking and kissing your lips, you kissed back  immediatly.

"Jesus" you heard someone say you looked and saw Calum and all his friends they all knew each other already.

"H-Hi" you smiled waving at them. Calum ripped you off of (Y/BF/N).

He dragged you into his room and sat you down. "Look we both know I was no saint when it came to sex and I have done it quite a bit and rushed myself. Please don't do anything you don't want to and if you truly trust and love (Y/BF/N) you can have sex if you consent. Cause if you don't whatever he put's in you gets chopped off." You giggled at Calum's silliness but nodded your head.

"Thank you for the lecture Dad now can I go back to beating my Boyfriends ass in Fifa?" you said sarcastically. You always called Calum dad when he was protective over you.

You ended up beating everyone's ass at Fifa and was declared by a grumpy Michael the best at Fifa.

A/N Awwwwww protective Cal Pal anyway Chloe out 

(Not edited by Author~Chan)

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