10. He Gets A Call From Your School (Luke)

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A/N feeling in a Lukey type of mood  bu I have an idea for a book that I will write a intro for in the next part. Hope you like!

You are 16;

Recently you haven't been eating as well as you should have bu you were so stressed you couldn't find time to eat anymore. No body in your family noticed but who would. Luke was back so everyone's main focus was him because he was off touring the world. Getting straight A's was nothing in comparison to Luke. He was perfect. You worked so hard only to have all you progress ripped out from underneath of you by your brother. This year you were in all advanced classes and were informed that you could graduate this year. You being a kid wanted to get the hell out of school and you were already getting scholarships. To apply for said scholarships you had to take the SAT's which meant a lot of studying. So less family time. You were studying in study hall (How ironic?) when you started to get dizzy which was no fun. So you wen to the nurse.

"Hey Mrs. Natilie (Random name XD) I'm not feeling too well like I'm really dizzy and weak and kind of tired but I slept for a long time last night." You explained to her as she nodded.

"Alright love I'll call your parents what's there number?" She asked smiling.

"Um well you can call Luke he is my older brother. His number is XXX-XXX-XXXX." You explained to her.

"Alright just go sit down I'll call him...."-she dialed his number-"Hello  this is the Nurse from (Your school) your sister (Y/N) is in my office because she is feeling very dizzy and she looks quite thin. Have you noticed any irregular eating habits?" You decided to not listen anymore because it was rude. 

*Time skip to when Luke is at your school*

"Love get up we are going home so you can rest." You heard Luke say.

"Hummmm." You groaned and stood up and felt dizzy so you sat down and then stood up. Luke noticed and picked you up.

He carried you o his car and sat you down in front as he got into the driver's side and drove to your home. "(Y/N) when was the last time you ate?" Luke asked you as he was pulling into your drive way.

"Let me think.... Um maybe three days ago during breakfast. Oh god. I am not trying to starve myself I love my body I'm just a bit stressed lately because of college and scholarships... I'm sorry." You put you head down trying to avoid his eyes.

"Look at me (Y/N). I am not mad just a but sad that you haven't tried to talk to anyone of us. We are your family and we are here to help you, and why are you stressing about scholarships? You are only 16...." He turned off his car and opened his door you followed him inside but his mind was elsewhere. "Sit on the couch our family is going to talk and you are going to tell us why you are so stressed." So you and Luke waited for everyone to be at your house. He even made Michael, Calum, and Ashton show up.

"Alright why are we here?" Ben asked Luke.

"Well (Y/N) can explain that. (Y/N) care to explain?" Luke asked you. No way of avoiding it.

"Well currently I am taking all AP classes and can graduate this year two years early and am getting scholarships to great colleges for me to become a doctor. So I have been studying a lot lately and  not really eating and I understand how bad that is for my body I have just been really overwhelmed by school lately. I apologize for being so distant I will try my hardest to socialize more with you guys." You finished sitting down on the couch.

"Wait so you can potentially be 20 and finish your studies?" Ashton asked you. 

"Well I finish UNI when I'm 20 but have to intern for 2 years so I will be the worlds youngest doctor at 22 years old. But that is if I pass and get a good enough grade on the SAT's." You explained.

"THATS SO COOL!!!!! LIKE IF WE DO SOMETHING STUPID ON TOUR WE CAN CALL YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE SO SMART!!!!" Michael yelled at you. You flinched and nodded your head at him smiling.

"So what type of doctor specifically are you going to study for?" Jack asked you.

"Currently I can't decide if I want to special in neurosurgery or just regular surgery." You explained to Jack. He nodded while Calum started typing on his phone. "Cal neurosurgery is brain surgery and  regular surgery is like reconstructive and nerve damage repair are the specifics." He looked up and mouthed a 'thanks' to you. You smiled at Calum and Ben walked in with some Frosty's and handed them to you. You smiled and ate the Frosty's while explaining more to you family about your job.

A/N awwwww this took me too long because wattpad didn't save my work so it deleted a huge chunk but I re wrote it the best I could love Author~Chan

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