An interesting discovery

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Ezra watched the white and blue streaks as the Phantom flew into hyperspace. Kanan and Ezra had been sent on a supply run for food by Hera. The two Jedi were feeling rather annoyed at this considering they had other things to do. It was normally Zeb, Sabine or Chopper doing this kind of thing. But Hera said they needed the fresh air, considering both of them had been in Kanan's cabin all morning meditating.
Ezra leant against the wall beside Kanan, who was flying the shuttle.
Lost in his own thoughts, he stared out at the endless blue and white around them.
He remembered what it was like before he met the crew. Dangerous for one, lonely for another. No one had the time or heart to care about the young boy. So he was forced to live as a street rat. Scavenging or stealing food to survive.
It wasn't the most charming life, but at least he was alive.
He was jerked from his thoughts when he realised that they had reached Lothal.
"Home sweet home" he muttered.

They landed near the city before walking towards it.
"You okay kid?"
Kanan's voice made Ezra look up at him.
"I'm alright, just...Thinking" he replied.
"Huh, that's new."
Ezra elbowed his Master lightly, who returned the gesture. To his surprise, instead of making a smart remark, Ezra's eyes widened and he moved a little way away from Kanan with a jump.
"Don't do that" he told his Master. His tone wasn't angry, it sounded...Afraid?
Kanan raised a brow in confusion and interest. He hadn't heard Ezra sound like that. It wasn't like him at all.
Kanan figured he must have sore ribs or something.
"Come on kid, we agreed to Hera we'd be back in an hour, keep this pace up, and she'll have our heads."
Ezra nodded before speeding up with his Master.
About forty minutes later, Ezra and Kanan pushed the last of the crates into the Phantom.
Kanan took the pilots seat, while Ezra stood beside him.
The shuttle lifted off and sped into the sky.
"Ezra" Kanan began as they entered hyperspace.
"Do you have sore ribs?"
"No, why do you ask?"
"Just, curious" Kanan replied, thinking.
If he wasn't sore, then it had to be something else.
They flew into space and Kanan's eyes widened in realisation as it clicked in to place. Of course! Ezra was something Kanan hated when he was a young boy. Ticklish.
When Kanan was Caleb Dume, he was so ticklish, that whenever his friends even made a a simple poke around his side, Kanan would be on the ground laughing.
Tickling was something Kanan loathed. Hera had sometimes done it to him occasionally when he was younger, and Kanan saw it as a weakness for himself.
"Kanan, are you alright?"
Ezras voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
"Yeah I'm fine kid" Kanan replied pushing the hyperspace button.
"Just fine."
The ship disappeared into the darkness of space.

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