Jedi VS Mandalorin

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A fluff moment between Ezra and Tristen

Ezra and Tristen circled one another, metal sparring poles in their grips. Their eyes were narrowed and faces set. They were in the training room of Krownest and Tristen had challenged the young Jedi to a sparring match. While Ezra was more experienced with a lightsaber, he still agreed.

"Gotta warn ya Bridger" Tristen said as he walked in a slow circle.

"I've been training for years in sparring."

"Well I've been trained by one of the greatest Jedi I know, and I've bested Sabine when Kanan and I were teaching her how to wield the Darksaber. Pretty sure I can beat you as well" Ezra replied.

"The Mandalorins will always be stronger than the Jedi" Tristen said.

"Pffff yeah right" Ezra rolled his eyes.

"We'll see about that."

The boy moved so fast it caught Tristen off guard. If he didn't raise his pole in time, Ezra would've knocked him down.

"Nice move Ezra" Tristen approved.

"Didn't see that coming."

"Not many do" Ezra replied.

He back flipped away from the Mandalorin before suddenly falling to a crouch and swinging his leg around. It caught Tristen's ankles and he fell backwards. Ezra rose and stood above the young man, a triumphant grin on his face.

"Got cha" he said.

Tristen raised a brow at the boy who chuckled and extended a hand to help the Mandalorin up. Ezra kicked the fallen pole into his hand and passed it back to Tristen.

"Want to go again?" He asked.

"You betcha" Tristen nodded taking his place on the opposite side of the training room.

Ezra got into a ready position and Tristen did the same. This time, the mando lunged but Ezra dodged it in time. However, Tristen struck his pole out and tripped Ezra up. When the boy stumbled onto his knees, Tristen grabbed him and started tickling his sides.

"Argh! Trihihihiston?! Whahahahahat the kriff are yohohoh doing?" Ezra yelped, instantly breaking into giggles.

"Beating you" Tristen shrugged.

"Ihihihihihif yohohoh classify thihihihis as 'beating' you're crahahahahahahazy you Bantha fodder!"

"I wouldn't go insulting me Bridger, unless you want to face the consequence" Tristen slowly moved closer to Ezra's armpits making the boy squirm more despreatly.

"Nohohohoho! Anywhere but thehehere! Trihihihistohohon plehehehehehse!"

"Admit it!" Tristen challenged.

"Admit Mandalorins are stronger than Jedi!"


"Then pay the price!"

Tristen moved his fingers expertly around Ezra's sensitive armpits making the boy squeal and arch his back. 

"TRIHIHIHISTOHOHON!" Ezra pleaded, giggling uncontrollably.


Tristen laughed at Ezra's state.

"Admit it!"


Tristen smirked with satisfaction and released Ezra. Instantly, the boy scrambled away from the Mandalorin, breathing hard.

"Not...funny" he gasped.

Tristen laughed again.

"Like I said before, Mandalorins are stronger than Jedi."

"Yeah well, the Mandalorins probably weren't ticking the Jedi until they surrendered" Ezra said.

"True " 

Sabine and Ursa had their ears pressed against the door. Grinning broadly.

"Good to know they're getting along" Sabine whispered.

Ursa nodded, an amused smile on her face.

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