Can't think

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So I can't think of anything for part 2. Please help me! I've put aside this story for a while. I wrote the first part in February! (2017) I kept changing it again and again and again until i got writer's block and put it away for a while. Now, I decided to publish it, and writer's block has settled in again. 😑
I'm pissed about this.
So I then decided to ask for help from you guys: My amazing readers.
I don't know why I didn't think of doing​ this sooner!
So any ideas anyone?
I've put a bit of Kanan's youth in there, but I don't know if that will affect the story or not.
Got any ideas? If so...PLEASE TELL ME!
I hate having writer's block so much. 😈
Thank you for all the support so far.

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲


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