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Ezra skipped across Lothal's fields, his parents followed with smiles. The young boy loved the outdoors yet it wasn't often he could be there. The Empire made it tough for the Bridgers to go anywhere. Ezra accidentally tripped over and landed on the grass.
"Ezra, are you alright?" Mira called.
"I'm fine mommy!" Ezra replied, sitting on his knees.
A gentle mew made Ezra look forward. A small golden Lothcat kitten with hazel eyes was standing in front of him.
"Hello kitty" Ezra smiled reaching out to the kitten.
The small cat moved forward a few inches and sniffed Ezra's small fingers. With a satisfied purr, it trotted forward and nuzzled Ezra's arm. The boy smiled and ran his hands through the young cat's soft fur.
"You're fluffy" Ezra commented.
The kitten meowed and raised it's paws to bat Ezra's long, raven locks. The boy giggled and pulled his head out of the kitten's reach. The Lothcat seemed a little disappointed it's fun was stopped but as soon as Ezra stared patting it again, it purred happily. Winding itself round Ezra's body. The boy giggled as the cat put pressure on his sides.
"Don't do that kitty, I'm ticklish" Ezra told it.
The kitten had a twinkle of mischief in its eyes as it gazed at Ezra. After a few seconds, the baby Lothcat crawled into Ezra's lap and nudged his sides and navel. Ezra burst into giggles and fell onto his back.
"Nohoho! Stohohop!" He cried out.
The kitten made a noise that sounded like it was laughing. Ezra put his hands round the small cat and lifted it off his chest. 
"Ezra? Are you alright?" Ephraim asked, standing over his son.
The boy smiled up at his father, still giggling slightly after the tickle attack.
"Yes I'm fine daddy" he assured.
He gently placed the kitten on the ground and scratched its chin.
"Who's this?" Mira inquired standing next to her husband.
"A new friend of mine" Ezra replied happily.
"What's it's name?" Mira asked.
"I haven't given it one" Ezra told her.
Mira crouched beside Ezra and gave the cat a look.
"Well, see the markings on its back? They're closer together meaning it's a female Lothcat. The ones with closed in markings are males."
"Hmmmm" Ezra hummed gazing at the kitten who was looking back at him intently.
He noticed it's golden fur, unique patterns, and its eye colour.
"Hazel" Ezra announced.
Picking up the cat, he smiled at it.
"I name you Hazel Bridger the first!"
"The first?" Ephraim repeated. "Yeah! Who knows? In the future, Hazel could have babies and I'll name one of them Hazel Bridger the second. And then the second Hazel will have babies and I'll name one Hazel Bridger the third. It'll go on forever!"
Mira and Ephraim smiled at one another.  
"Well, say goodbye to Hazel Ezra, we need to go" Mira told her son.
"Awwww, can't we keep her?" Ezra begged.
"I'm afraid not Ezra. Hazel probably has a family waiting for her" Ephraim said.
"Yeah you're right daddy" Ezra nodded.
He gently put Hazel back on the ground and stood up.
"Bye Hazel take care" he said. Hazel mewed and sauntered back into the thick grass. Tail held high.
Ezra watched her go.

Ezra's eyes opened. He was sitting on Lothal's fields meditating. The memory of his youth had drifted into his head while he was passive. Ezra smiled warmly to himself. The memories of himself and his parents were always welcomed. A sudden meow caught his attention. Looking over his shoulder, Ezra saw a full grown, female Lothcat with golden fur and hazel eyes standing a few feet away from him.
"Hello there" Ezra greeted offering a hand to the cat.
The feline approached and sniffed Ezra's fingers. With a purr, the Lothcat trotted closer to the boy and nuzzled his arm. Ezra smiled at it and petted the cat's back.
"You seem familiar" he commented.
The cat hesitated before nuzzling Ezra's side. The boy giggled and gently pushed the cat's head away. Then his eyes widened in realization.
"Hold up, Hazel?" Ezra stared. 
The cat meowed happily at the name.
"I don't believe it! You're here?" Ezra asked in delight, thrilled something from his past was with him.
Hazel purred and sat on Ezra's lap. Ezra put his hands round the cat's furry body and hugged it.
"I missed you Hazel" Ezra whispered.
The cat meowed and butted the boy's head gently.
"You're right I should use your whole name" Ezra agreed.
"Hazel Bridger the first!"
The cat meowed with satisfaction before settling on his lap. Ezra exhaled a chuckle and looked up at the sunset on the horizon. Even though his parents might've been gone, the memories of his past would never disappear.

I'm really really really really really REALLY sorry about the lack of updates. Hopefully this will make up for it. I tried to make it as sweet as possible.
Suggestions are appreciated.

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲

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