A new hope

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This part is dedicated to HarrryPotterRulz. Thanks for this suggestion. 😃

Ezra trudged into his cabin. The battle of Atalon weighing heavily in his mind.
Why did Thrawn have to find out about their base?
Why did they have to lose everything?
With a sigh, he opened the cabin door, went in and flopped onto his bunk.
He was considering taking a nap when the door hissed.
He looked over to see Sabine.
"Hey Sabine. What cha doing here?" He asked.
"I came to say goodbye. I'm leaving for Mandalore in a few minutes."
"What?!" Ezra yelped sitting bolt right up.
"I need to go back home. I'm needed there. My mother's organising a break out plan for my father" Sabine answered going in and sitting beside Ezra.
"I was getting used to you being round again. It wasn't right when you were gone. Took me a while to get over it actually" Ezra mumbled.
Sabine hesitated before placing a hand on the boy's shoulder.
"Ezra. Friends come and go. It's part of life. I understand you don't want that happening, but sometimes it's unavoidable."
"Wow. That was moving" Ezra remarked.
Sabine rolled her eyes.
"Can't we have one sentimental moment?" She asked.
"The only way we can do that is if you kiss me" Ezra said.
Sabine laughed at that and Ezra joined.
"I haven't heard you laugh since the battle" Sabine realised.
"Well. It was hard for me. We were so close to the attack on Lothal and then..."
"The blue psychopath showed up" Sabine finished.
Ezra nodded. Fighting the smile at what Sabine had said about Thrawn.
Sabine looked at Ezra. Noticing the grin he was stopping from showing on his face.
With a smirk, she reached out and prodded the Jedi's side.
Ezra squeaked and tried moving away from the Mandalorin but she was too quick.
She continued prodding him and Ezra was shuffling back until he hit the wall.
Unable to go anywhere, he focused more on getting the girls hands away from him as he laughed.
Sabine giggled as Ezra tried shoving her fingers away from him.
He was laughing adorably and squealed when she got to his stomach.
Ezra was a giggling mess as Sabine expertly danced her hands over his ticklish torso. "Sahahabine!" He yelped.
"What is it Ezzy?" Sabine asked innocently.
Ezra blushed at the nick name but let it slide.
"Stop tikihihickling mehehehe!"
"Only if you say please. A boy like you should know his manners."
Ezra's laughter amplified as she wriggled her fingers in his armpits.
"Sorry didn't catch that Ezra" she giggled.
Ezra was laughing like mad as she teased his weak spot.
"Sabine! Please stohohohop!"
Sabine smiled and relented. She helped him sit up and pulled him into a side hug.
"You good?" She asked.
"Yeah. Guess I needed a laugh" Ezra replied.
The two teens jumped down from the bed and went outside.
Everyone else had gathered to see Sabine off.
Ezra stood beside Kanan as Sabine walked towards a ship.
Tristen and Ursa Wren were standing on the ramp.
"I'll keep in touch" Sabine told the rebels.
She looked over at Ezra who waved.
She looked at the ground then gritted her teeth.
'Do it!' Her mind told her.
She spun on her heel and walked towards Ezra.
Grabbing his collar in her hands she pulled him into a kiss.
Ezra's eyes widened with surprise before closing.
After a few seconds, Sabine let go and drew away.
Ezra smiled as she stepped back.
"I'll see you Sabine" he said.
The Mandalorin nodded and stepped into the ship.
It lifted off and took to the sky.
As soon as it was out of sight, Ezra back flipped with a whoop.
"She kriffing kissed me! For the love of god she kissed me!" He yelled.
His crew watched with amusement as their youngest crew member danced a small jig.
With a sigh, he looked to the sky where the ship had disappeared.

No matter where she went, Sabine Wren would always be with Ezra.

Suggestions are appreciated and welcome.

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲

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