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Lots of people were looking forward to this! Here is Ezra's revenge.

Ezra had been planning his revenge ever since Ahsoka said she would help him. Now it was the next day and Ezra had got everything sorted from start to finish.
As he sat waiting for Ahsoka, Rex, and Chopper to arrive in the common room, he remembered the deal he made with Chopper.
Ezra smiled as he recalled the memory.

The day before...

"Chopper? Can I see you for a minute? I need to talk to you" Ezra said into his com.
A series of beeping noises answered.
"Busy fixing the shields? Chopper, I'll help you work on them if you come to the common room now."
Chopper beeped and soon rolled in.
"Hey Chop. I need your help" Ezra greeted.
Chopper buzzed.
"It's to do with the others."
The droid beeped.
"I know their out, that's why I want to talk to you now before they get back" Ezra sighed.
"Chopper, I need your help to get revenge on them."
Chopper beeped excitedly and spun his dome round.
"Yeah, especially Zeb" Ezra laughed at the droids excitement.
"Right, Ahsoka and Rex are going to be helping too Chop, the others have been tickling me half to death lately and I want some justice, so, you helping?"
Chopper didn't reply for a while. Then he warbled.
"Wait, you saw Zeb tickling me?" Ezra asked.
Chopper nodded.
"Why didn't​ you stop him?!" Ezra cried.
Chopper shrugged before buzzing.
"Wait, you'll help if I do what?"
Chopper repeated himself.
"Give you an oil bath? *Sigh* fine deal."
Chopper rolled past Ezra and poked his side lightly.
Ezra jumped backwards, trying to stifle his giggles.
Chopper laughed before rolling out.
Ezra glared after him.

End flashback.

Suddenly, the door hissed open and Rex, Ahsoka, and Chopper came in.
"Ready Ezra?" Ahsoka asked.
"More then you'd believe" Ezra grinned, excitement flowing through his veins wildly.
Ezra picked up his com and pressed the button.
"Kanan, Hera, Sabine, Zeb. Could you all please come to the common room? I've got something to show you."
"Coming" Kanan's​ voice spoke out.
"Be there right away" Hera said.
"Better be good, I can't leave this painting for long" Sabine told him.
"Be there soon kid" Zeb said.
Ezra looked up at the three others in the room.
"Be ready" he grinned.

To Ezra's delight, the crew all came in at the same time.
He sat at the table and smiled as they entered.
"Hey Ezra. What was it you wanted to show us?" Hera asked then saw a weird look on her family's face.
"Ezra? What's with the evil grin?" Kanan asked.
"Kid? Are you okay...? WOAH!" Sabine yelled as she and the others were lifted off the floor.
Ezra grin grew as Ahsoka, Rex, and Chopper sprang from their hiding places.
Ahsoka had one hand out, fingers slightly curled as she kept her friends floating.
"Ahsoka? Rex? Chopper?! What's going on?!" Hera asked.
"Nothing too complex Hera" Ezra said standing up.
"You see, justice is something I want. Whether it being between the Empire or you guys..."
"Just get to the point kid!" Zeb snapped.
"You guys have been torturing me lately. And I want my revenge."
Glee flew through him as all their eyes filled with horror.
"Ezra, I'm serious, put us down" Kanan said. But his threat was ruined by his panicky tone and afraid expression.
He knew exactly what was going to happen.
They all did.
"Ahsoka! Rex! He pulled you into this?!" Sabine yelped looking round at the two behind them.
"Yeah" Ahsoka shrugged before going round and standing beside Ezra. Rex and Chopper followed.
They stood their grinning at their victims for a few seconds.
"I've got Hera" Ahsoka suddenly said.
"I've got Sabine" Rex smiled.
"Kanan's mine" Ezra grinned cracking his knuckles.
Chopper beeped.
"Yep, you can do whatever you want to Zeb" Ezra smiled patting the droids dome.
They all came forward. Grinning evily at their prey who were now struggling despretly in the air.
"Don't loose your concentration Ahsoka" Ezra said.
"Never have" the Togruta replied.
Chopper suddenly wheeled off out of the room, but no one noticed.
Rex reached out to Sabine and poked her side.
The teen squealed and fought despretly to get away from the clone. But she wasn't going anywhere.
Rex tickled her round her midsections, and lower back. Sabine laughed hard and kicked out, trying to get Rex away from her, but no avail.
Ahsoka was having fun with Hera who was surprisingly ticklish.
The twe'lik was in a giggling fit as Ahsoka tickled her belly, armpits, and sides.
As for Kanan, he was beside himself.
Ezra released all tickling hell on him and he was laughing hysterically.
Ezra tested every part of Kanan's torso, he even tried his Master's neck which made him squeal in the most unmanly way.
Ezra grinned to himself as
Kanan's​ laughter doubled when he got the underside of his knees.
Zeb watched with relief and amusement as his friends were tickled.
He was glad he wasn't part of it...
The others stopped what they were doing to see Zeb with cream all over his face and a pie tin on the floor.
The spun round when they heard robotic laughter.
Chopper was holding four cream pies in his hands and aiming them at Zeb.
Ezra laughed as Chopper hurled another pie at Zeb which hit him straight in the face.
"Good work Chop!" He grinned turning back to Kanan.
"Ezra...Please no more" Kanan begged.
"Let em go" Ezra smiled at Ahsoka who obeyed.
All four rebels dropped to the ground, panting.
Ezra, Ahsoka and Rex stood beside Chopper, laughing at their friends faces.
"Oh man! That was priceless!" Rex chuckled wiping a tear from his eye.
The others glared at them.
Chopper hurled his last pies at Kanan, Zeb and Hera before giving a cheeky salute and leaving.
"See you later guys!" Ezra giggled, leaving them to themselves.
Once they were in the Command ship, they fell about laughing.
"That was amazing! Good work you three. Especially you Chopper. Those pies were a fantastic idea!" Ezra praised.
Chopper warbled happily before saying something.
"Right, oil bath. We'll do that now buddy, you've earned it. We'll catch up with you two later."
The two walked down the hall.
"You know, I'm pretty curious to see how ticklish Ezra is" Ahsoka admitted to Rex.
"Me too. But we'll see later. He's been tickled enough these last few weeks" Rex replied.
Ahsoka smiled happily at Rex who returned the grin.
Tickling was by all account, the best revenge.

Part 8 done! I had a lot of fun writing it! The pie prank with Chopper made me laugh.
Any suggestions are welcome. Anything could happen now.


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