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This part is dedicated to my awesome friend HarrryPotterRulz.

Ezra and Hera watched the Phantom fly into the clouds.
Sabine, Kanan, Chopper and Rex were inside and going on a mission.
Kallus and Zeb were on a supply drop so that left Hera and Ezra alone on the Ghost.
Ezra had been offered to go on the mission too, but he declined. Saying he'd just slow them down.
Who could blame him?
He was exhausted.
He'd been doing more missions and work then anyone else.
(Apart from Hera.)
With a yawn, he stretched and went back into the Ghost.
"I'll be in my room" he told Hera over his​ shoulder and continued up the ramp.
Hera watched him disappear before going over to the command center.

~Time skip~

Hera walked back into the Ghost.
She had gone through a few torturous hours of having to do work with AP-5. She and the droid had been working on new missions because AP knew about the systems they were doing an OP's in.
She decided to go and talk to Ezra and check in on him.
She opened the door, but her eyes softened at what met her gaze.
Ezra was curled up on his bunk.
Sleeping soundly, hand clutched around a data pad.
Hera smiled at the sight, but resisted the idea of leaving him there.
Sure he looked completely at peace, but it'd been a few hours and he needed to wake up.
Fortunately for her, she knew exactly how to do it. 
Ezra must've known he was going to fall asleep eventually because his blaster, lightsaber and boots were off.
With a smirk, Hera came forward and softly tickled his sole.
The toes curled in response.
Hera tickled a little harder, making Ezra grunt and pull his foot back.
'Right, now for the real thing!' Hera thought.
She climbed on to the bunk and placed her hands on Ezra's sides.
The boy's​ eyebrows scrunched a little, but settled down.
Hera squeezed Ezra's sides making the boy groan as a small smile played on his lips.
He raised a hand and pushed Hera's fingers away from him.
The twe'lik's hands however, shot around Ezra's and dove right into his exposed armpits.
Ezras eyes snapped open and a squeal came from his mouth.
He sat up quickly, but Hera grabbed his shoulders and yanked him on to her lap.
She tickled unmercifully around Ezra's torso making him giggle uncontrollably.
"Herhahahaha! Why are yohohoh tickling mehehehe?" He squealed struggling against her.
"Giving you a wake up call Ez" Hera smiled.
"I'm uhuhup! Yohohoh can stohop!" He laughed, squriming.
"Nah. I don't think so. You haven't smiled or laughed in ages Ezra. Maybe I'd best continue?"
"NOHOHOHO! WAHAHAIT HERA! NOT THERE!" Ezra shrieked as Hera went for his armpits again.
After another few minutes, Hera finally relented.
She helped Ezra sit up and smiled at him.
"I guess I did need that. Thanks Hera" Ezra said. Still a little breathless from being tickled.
"However. I don't think I've heard any laughter from you lately."
Hera swallowed nervously, but it was too late to run.
Ezra had thrown himself at her and wormed his fingers over her ticklish tummy.
Her weak spot.
"Arghh! Ezrahahaha! WAHAHAIT! Stop!" Hera squealed as laughter spilled from her lips.
Ezra tickled Hera for another minute before stopping.
"I guess we both needed that huh?" Hera asked.
Ezra smiled and nodded
The sound of a ship landing came from outside.
"The others must be back. Come on" Hera said jumping from the bunk.
Ezra followed her out of the cabin.
The two walked down the hall to where he rest of the crew were getting out of the Phantom.
"Hey you two. What'd you get up to while we were gone?" Sabine asked as they went down the ramp.
Ezra and Hera glanced at one another and shared a secret smile.
"Nothing out of the ordinary" Ezra replied.

Suggestions are appreciated and welcome.

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲

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