Happy birthday Ezra Bridger

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This part is dedicated to LuaKitsune. Thanks.

Pain. Sadness. Anger.
Emotions swirled inside Ezra like a tornado as he sat on a building roof of Capital City. It was past nightfall on Lothal and rather cold, but Ezra barely felt it. He'd slipped away from the Ghost for a bit of alone time. It was Empire day which had always been a difficult day for Ezra. Not to mention it was his birthday which, in his opinion, was the worst day to be born on.
Getting to his feet, he clenched his hands into fists and looked up at the moon. Anger beginning to rise in him as he looked at the cloud surrounded orb. A memory of his parents star gazing with him on Lothal crossed his mind. Such amazing times those were, his father would point out particular constellations and explain what they meant. Mira would tell her Ezra the stories of creatures that lived in the stars.
But now...Ezra could never have that again.
His anger grew stronger as tears began to gather.
"You said you guys would always be there for me!" He yelled at the moon.
"But you're not...you're gone."
Eyes burning with tears, Ezra grabbed a rock and hurled it as far as he could. He heard it clatter a few yards away for he had used the Force a bit.
Collapsing to his knees, Ezra broke into tears, clutching his arms tightly.
"Why did you have to go?" He whispered as a sob caught his throat.
"I loved you guys."
Crying into his palms, Ezra shook, the cold was finally getting to him.
The boy lowered his hands and glanced over. Sabine was standing a few feet away from him, head slightly on the side. She was wearing a coat and had a confused expression.
"Oh, hey Sabine" Ezra said, quickly turning his head and wiping his eyes on the back of his hand.
Sabine's concern flared, Ezra hardly ever cried.
"Ezra. Are you feeling alright?" She asked. 
"Please go away Sabine. I want to be alone right now" Sabine heard Ezra mumble.
But the Mandalorin didn't want to leave the boy like this. Scared and upset. She approached Ezra and sat beside him.
Taking off her coat, she wrapped it round his shoulders and put an arm round him.
The boy flinched at the contact and stared hard at the ground, hands gripping the edge of the roof.
"Ezra, if you don't want to talk, I won't force you" Sabine said softly.
The boy looked at her, fresh tears beginning to roll down his face.
"Is...is this about your parents?" She asked.
Ezra hesitated before nodding sadly. Sabine exhaled in concern and hugged him. Ezra leant his head on her shoulder, taking shuddering breathes.
Sabine rubbed his back slowly in a comforting way.
"You know, my father always had a way of cheering me up when my mother was being, well, herself" she said. 
"Doubt it'll help me" Ezra replied quietly.
Sabine found herself smiling as she got into a better position.
"He would do this."
Ezra felt her fingers up his back and couldn't help but smile when he felt a gentle tickley sensation.
"Where the Lothwolf crosses the mountain pass, over the rocks he meets the Lothcat. They go down to the river and across the bridge."
Ezra arched his back when he felt her fingers go across his sides.
"After the pathway clears they can see a new dawn." Sabine was beginning to grin when she felt Ezra reflex at her gentle touch.
"Finally they hunt down their food and bite into it."
Sabine squeezed down on Ezra's sides making the boy squeal. Sabine felt a little surprised the boy wasn't trying to get away. She made it pretty clear she was going to tickle him sooner or later, was he enjoying this?
"After their meal, they travel North and meet a Convoy at the gateway" she continued.
She lightly traced the route up Ezra's arm making him giggle slightly.
"There they work together to find freedom by flying around the worlds. Bringing hope and peace to the galaxy."
Sabine moved her hands round to Ezra's stomach so that her arms were round his waist.
"And then they release true joy into the air."
After the last sentence, Sabine began tickling his midsections. Ezra's reaction was instant. He broke into giggles and a large childish smile grew on his face.
Sabine gently pulled him on to her lap where she skimmed her fingertips over Ezra's sensitive torso. The boy didn't fight or struggle, he just lied there and laughed. One would've thought he was enjoying it, and honestly, he was.
Ezra didn't even resist when Sabine went for his weak spot and that is ultra rare. His laughter grew in sound as the Mandalorin tickled the boy's armpits, happy tears began leaking from his eyes.
Finally, after a few more minutes of tickling, Sabine rested her hands on Ezra's shoulders and smiled down on him. The boy was panting slightly as he gazed up at her.
"Thank you Sabine. I really needed that" he told her.
"I can tell. Oh that reminds me, I still need to give you your birthday present."
Ezra went scarlet with embarrassment.
"You didn't have to..." he began but Sabine cut across him.
"I wanted to. Now, sit up and turn around."
Ezra obeyed feeling curious. Sabine waited until they were bathed in moonlight before taking his face in her hands and kissing his lips. Ezra didn't even have a second to realise what was happening before the Mandalorin pulled away.
"Happy birthday Ezra Bridger" Sabine smiled with a faint blush.
Ezra pulled her into a side hug and they watched the clouds roll dramatically across the sky.
"Best present ever" Ezra whispered making Sabine smile.

Holy crap that starting was angst alright, but the Sabezra at the end!!! I had such a happy time writing that! I really hope this happens in season 4 of rebels.
Suggestions are appreciated.

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲

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