Moving To San Francisco

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Then, the next day, you saw that Cream’s family house has been sold. "What?" You asked puzzled. Then emotions started to watch in horror as a removal truck takes the furniture and drives off. "Okay. Not what I had in mind." You mumbled. Then, Cream and her family drove to San Francisco. It was about a couple of day to get there.

Then you smiled as you saw The Golden Gate Bridge through Cream's eyes, "Hey, look! The Golden Gate Bridge, isn’t that great? I mean, it’s not made up of solid gold like we thought, which is kind of a disappointment. But still, it's awesome!"

"I'm glad you told me that earthquakes are a myth, (Y/n)! Otherwise I’d be terrified right now." Said Silver with a relieved tone. But you chuckled nervously, "Right…yeah."

Then, there were cars honking their horns as Cream and her family are stuck in traffic. Knuckles chuckled, "These are my type of people." "Alright, just a few more blocks. We’re almost there to our new house." Said Randy. "Step on it, DADDY." Said Knuckles with an annoyed tone. "Why can’t we just live in the stupid car? We’re already been in it forever." Stated Rouge. "Which, actually is very lucky! Because that gave us plenty of time to think about what our new house is going to look like!" You said grabbing some pictures from the shelf, "Let’s review the top five daydreams."

You played Cream’s fantasy of what their new house will look like, first one is a house with a massive slide going along the side of it. "Ooh, that looks safe enough." Said Silver.

"That really looks nice." Replied Shadow, glancing at you, seeing the next daydream of a house made on top of a tree.

"Ooh! Now this will be great for Cream. Oh! No, no, no, this one!" You said, showing them a house made out of cookies. "(Y/n), darling, for the last time, she can't live in a cookie."

Then the next house was a castle with a dragon flying above it. "That’s the one! It comes with a dragon!" Said Knuckles.

"Are we getting close!? I can feel it! Ooh!! Here it is. Here’s our new house!! And…" Randy pulls up outside their new house, Cream gets out of the car and looks up. Her smile disappeared as she looked at the house. "Maybe, it’s nice on the inside." You suggested inside her head. Then as Cream entered the house, the emotions started to react at everything. "We’re supposed to live here!?" Asked Knuckles, feeling his anger rising up.

"Do we have to?" Whined Shadow. "I’m telling you: it smells that something died in here!" Said Rouge. "Can you die from moving away?" Panicked Silver. But you looked at the gang and tried to calm them down, "Guys, you’re overreacting too much. Nobody's dying-" "A DEAD MOUSE!" Screeched Rouge.

Then Cream saw a dead mouse. She started to back up from with a disgusted face. As Silver screamed, Knuckles sighed, "Great." "I think gonna be sick!" Said Rouge, covering her mouth. "It’s a haunted house!! The house of the deads!!! What are we gonna do?!? We’re gonna get rabies again!!!" (Wow, that actually rhymed XD) Panicked Silver, jumping into Knuckles' arms.

"Get off of me!" Shouted Knuckles, pushing Silver off. "All through the drive, Dad talked about how cool our new room is gonna be! Let’s go check it out!" You smiled as you controlled the console. Silver got up and then smiled, "It’s gonna be great! Right, right, right!?" Cream smiles and quickly goes to see her new room which is just as bad as the rest of the house.

"No, no, no, no. This isn't right." Said Silver. "I’m starting to envy the dead mouse." Commented Rouge. "Get out the rubber ball, people. We’re in solitary confinement." Growled Knuckles. "Cream can’t live here." Said Shadow. "He’s right!" Agreed Knuckles, "It’s the worst." "Really bad." Added Silver. "It’s absolutely the worst house ever!" Commented Rouge. 

Different But It's Love (Inside Out Parody: Shadow X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now