Running Away From Home

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-With the others-
As Cream woke up, Rouge and Knuckles are also awake to find Silver huddled under the console. "What is going on?" Asked Rouge, rubbing her eye. "He did it again." Mumbled Knuckles, shaking his head in disapproval. "W-w-we were at school, a-a-and we were n-n-naked and t-t-there was a dog. The back half was- was chasing it, and there was a Sticks the Badger!" He stuttered, screaming.

"You moron. It was a dream! This is ridiculous." Muttered Knuckles, rubbing his temples, "We can’t even get a good night sleep anymore. Time to take action." He then walked over to the shelves and picks up an idea lightbulb, "Stupid Mom and Randy. If they hadn’t moved us none of this would have happened. Who’s with me?" Asked Knuckles, holding up the lightbulb.

"Um, um. No, no, no." Said Silver, crossing his arms but gave a nervous look. "Yeah. Let’s do it." Shrugged the white bat. Then, Knuckles plants the idea to run away in Cream's head and she takes it. "She took it. There’s no turning back." He said, looking at the others. "So how are we going to get to Mobius from here?" Asked Rouge, putting her hands on her hips. "Well, why don’t we go down to the elephant lot and rent an elephant?" Asked the red echidna, sarcastically. "Hey, that sounds fun." Said Silver. "No! We’re taking the bus, idiot!" Shouted Knuckles.

Then Cream, sits up from her sleeping bag and checks for bus tickets on her computer. "There's a bus leaving tomorrow, perfect." Said Knuckles with his arms crossed. "Wait. A ticket cost money. How do we get money?" Asked Rouge, standing beside him. Knuckles then said, "Easy. Mom’s purse." Rouge gasped, "You wouldn’t." "Oh, but I would. Where was it we saw it last?" He asked with a smirk as l of a sudden, Nyan Cat song comes into Cream's head again.

Knuckles twitched and slammed his fist on the table, "No! It’s downstairs somewhere. Mom and Randy got us into this mess, they can pay to get us out." Explained Knuckles.

-With you-
You guys are riding on the train. You and Sticks were having fun as Shadow just watched. "Isn’t this nice? You can see everything from up here. Look, there’s Inductive Reasoning. There’s Deja Vu. There’s Language Processing. There’s Deja Vu. There’s Critical Thinking. There’s Deja Vu. And look at this, guys, memories!" Smiled Sticks, showing you around. "Hey. That was a good idea. About scaring Cream awake. You’re not so bad." You said, sitting close to Shadow.

He looked at you as you noticed his cheeks turning red, "Really?" He asked as he blinked in surprise. You nodded, "Yep! I can’t wait to get my old Cream back. As soon as we get there, I’m going to fix this whole mess." You said, but you then looked at one of the memory orbs. "Wow, is this Cream? She’s so big now, she won’t fit in my car. How are we gonna get to the moon." Asked Sticks, looking at an orb. "Yeah, it’s that time in the Twistee Treat, remember? The soccer team showed up and Mom and Randy were there cheering. Look at her, having fun and laughing. I love this one." You said, looking at the yellow, bright orb. Shadow nodded, "I love that one too." He said, smiling a little.

You smiled at him and wrapped an arm around him, "Good boy! Now you’re getting it."

"Yeah. It was the day when the team lost the big playoff game. Cream missed the winning shot, she felt awful, she wanted to quit. Sorry. I went sad again." Said Shadow, frowning. "I’ll tell you what. We can keep working on that when we get back, okay?" You asked, not liking him always being sad. But then, Honesty Island started to collapse and destroys Train of Thought. But luckily, you three jumped before going in the Dump. You looked at the falling island in shock, "W-w-what? That was our way home. We lost another island. What is happening?" You asked out loud, gripping your hair in confusion. "Haven’t you heard? Cream is running away." Said a mind worker. "W-what?" You asked, looking nervous and sad.

-With the others-
Cream is packing to run away. But in her mind, Silver was trying to stop it, "Wait, wait. Hang on, guys. Are we really doing this? I mean, this is serious." Said the white hedgehog. Knuckles rolled his eyes as he growled, "Look, we have no core memories. You want Cream to be happy? Let’s get back to Mobius and make more." He snapped as Cream started to continue packing.

-With you-
"(Y/n), if we hurry we can still stop her." Said Shadow, giving a nervous glare. "Family Island. Let’s go!" You said as you three ran towards Family Island, but the ground starts shaking. "(Y/n). (Y/n)! It’s too dangerous. We won’t make it in time." Shouted Shadow. "But that’s our only way back." You screamed back. But the ground shakes again and you noticed a memory orb being shot through the recall tube, "A recall tube!" You smiled as well you ran up to it.

"We can get recall." Said Shadow. But as you two try to get into the recall tube Shadow accidentally touches the core memory orbs in you satchel.

"Whoa, whoa! Shadow. Shadow! Stop! You’re hurting Cream!" You said, stopping him, "No... If you get in here, these core memories will get sad. I’m sorry, Cream needs to be happy." You said sternly.

But Shadow then stopped you, "Wait, before you leave... I want you to remember me." He then got close to you and slammed his lips onto your. Your (e/c) eyes widened, but you slowly kissed back. But when you pulled away, you two had red faces. He smiled at you and whispered, "I've always loved you, (Y/n)..." You blushed darker but looked at the orbs and back at Shadow, "Goodbye, Shadow..." You then got into the recall tube, closes it and gets headed towards headquarters.

You looked down, seeing Shadow, you felt guilty for leaving him without telling him how much you felt as you eyes started to water and tears running down your cheeks but as Family Island collapses this causes the tube to break and you ended up in Abyss and as Sticks attempts to help you, but she also falls inside.

"(Y/N)!!!" Screamed Shadow as his eyes started to water.

But at the Abyss Sticks found you attempting to climb up the cliff multiple times but failing. "(Y/n). (Y/n), what’re you doing?" Asked the brown and orange badger, you looked at her but didn't stopped. "Will you stop it, please. Don’t you get it, (Y/n)! We’re stuck down here! We’re forgotten!" She screamed.

You finally broke down and began to cry, you picked up some forgotten core memory orbs. "Do you remember... how she used to stick her tongue out when she was coloring? I.... I could listen to her stories... all day.... I just... I just wanted Cream to be happy...." You sobbed out, as tears ran down your face, hugging the forgotten memories. You then picked up a memory orb that Shadow had told you which he liked in which Cream lost a soccer game for the team and felt awful is being comforted by her parents. You then tried remembering Shadow's voice,

"It was the day when the team lost the big playoff game. Cream missed the winning shot, she felt awful. She wanted to quit."

"Shadow. Mom and Randy. The team. They came to help because of sadness. We have to get back up there." You said, getting up. "(Y/n), we’re stuck down here. We might as well be on another planet." Sighed Sticks, looking down. "Another planet." You mumbled, having an idea and began to say happy and honest thoughts, "I'm the one who ate Knuckles' cookies." You said. Then, Sticks decided to join, "And I do like boy bands."

Then, you two finally heard her car respond and ran towards it. "And I like to eat (favorite ice cream) with cookies!" You said as you two went faster to where her car was. Then, you and Sticks use the car to launch yourselves up, but it fails as you two were too heavy. But Sticks also sees her arms turning to dust as she was being forgotten. "Come on (Y/n), one more time. I got a feeling on this one." Said the brown and orange badger, helping you up. You nod as you two got into the car and start saying honest things again.

"Louder! Louder! (Y/n), say it louder!" She said as you two launched up. But Sticks, at the last minute, leaps off as you continued saying honest things. "We’re gonna make it!" You smiled. You then finally reached the cliff and lands on top, "Yeah! Sticks, we did it!" You cheered. But when you turned around, you saw that Sticks wasn't there, "Sticks?" But you then looked down the cliff to see Sticks, still in the Abyss. "Sticks!!"

"You made it! Go and save Cream!" She cheered. You then watched in horror as Sticks slowly starts to disappear, "Take her to the moon for me. Okay?" She said as she waves her last goodbye and completely disappearing.

"I’ll try, Sticks. I promise."

Different But It's Love (Inside Out Parody: Shadow X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now