Everything's Back To Normal

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You all were looking out from headquarters, seeing the new islands that have formed. "Hey, I’m liking this new view." Commented Silver.

"Friendship Island has expanded. Glad they finally opened that friendly argument section." Smirked Knuckles with his arms crossed.

"Yeah. I like Tragic Vampire Romance Island." Said Shadow, smirking at you.

"Fashion Island! Everyone shut up." Said Rouge in awe.

"Boy Band Island? Hope that’s just a phase." Chuckled Silver.

"Say what you want, I think it’s all beautiful." You said as you held Shadow's hand. Then, after the mind workers finished in installing a new larger console. "Alright. Here you go. Your new expanded console is up and running." They said as they walked away. You all ran up to it and looked at it in awe. "No way!" You smiled. "Cool upgrade!" Smiled Rouge. Then Silver accidentally touches a button on the console, causing it a beeping sound, "Whoops. Wait, did I just do that?"

"Hey, guys, what’s 'PUBERTY'?" Asked Rouge, pointing to the button labelled on the console. You shrugged, "I dunno. It’s probably not important." Then Knuckles smiled evilly at the different button on the console, "Whoa. I have access to the entire curse word library. This new console is the sh-" Just then there’s a bleeping noise. "Sorry, I did it again. My bad." Said Silver with a nervous smile.

Then, outside at the field, Cream and her parents are at the soccer game and Cream is getting ready to play with the team. "Now, when you get out there you be aggressive." Said her step dad. "I know, Mr. Dad." She said, feeling embarrassed. "But not too aggressive." Said her mother. Cream then sighed a little, "You know, you guys don’t have to come to every game." "Are you kidding? I’m not missing one! Go Eagles!!" Said her dad with plastic fingers. "Go Cream!" Cheered her mom as Cream blushed in embarrassment, "Okay! Okay! I gotta go." She said as she turns to leave.

As you all watch Cream with her parents. "Aw!" You giggled. "They love us." Smiled Silver. "Yeah, Mom and Randy are pretty cool." Said Knuckles. "Guys, of course they are. But we can’t show it." Said Rouge, controlling the console.

Then, inside Randy's head it shows his emotions celebrating as they were referring to Vanilla. "She loves the face painting." Smiled Chris. "Told you it was a great idea." Said Dr. Eggman.

Then, inside Vanilla's head as they were referring to Randy. "Best idea he’s had in a while." Said Karen. "He’s a really good guy." Smiled Maria. Then, all of the emotions sigh, then Karen throws the core memory orb containing the memory of the Crocodile Detective aside, but Sofia grabs it, "Just in case." She giggled.

Then, as Cream was about to head to the field she bumps into a boy and he drops his water bottle, Cream picks it up to hand it to him, "Sorry."

The boy was a yellow bumblebee with big blue eyes, but he was just shocked, but inside his head where all his emotions are in chaos panicking about speaking to a girl. His emotions are: Manic the Joyful Hedgehog, Tails Fearful Prower, Sonic the Disgusted Hedgehog, Scourge the Angered Hedgehog and ((Anti-Tails)) Miles Fearful Prower.

But as the boy just keeps on staring at Cream as she looked around, awkwardly, "Uh… Okay. Bye." She then places the water bottle under his arm and walks to the field giving him one last look.

Then, as Cream is about to start playing soccer with her team. You all were prepared. "You ready?" You asked Shadow as you smirked. He smirked back and nodded, "Yeah." "Alright. Let’s play some soccer!" You shouted as the whistle blew. Then, Cream quickly swiped the ball as you said, "Alright, Knuckles. Take over." "Give us that ball or you’re dead meat!" He shouted. "On her left! On her left!" Screamed Silver. "Let’s just try not to get all smelly this time." Said Rouge. "Oh, Mom and Randy are watching us fail." Said Shadow. "Not for long!" Laughed Knuckles.

"We’ve been through a lot lately, that’s for sure. I've finally have a boyfriend, which is the complete opposite of me, but I love him. But we still love our girl. She has great new friends, a great new house. Things couldn’t be better. After all, Cream is 12 now. What could possibly happen?"


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