Into Cream's Imagination

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"The station is right in here. After you." Sticks smiled, opening a door. "Wait, (Y/n)." Said Shadow, pulling your arm away from Sticks.

You looked at him, feeling your cheeks warming up, "What's the matter?"

"Well, I read about this place in the manual. We shouldn’t go in there." He said, pulling you close and whispering.

"But Sticks says it’s the quickest way to Headquarters." You replied.

"No, but, (Y/n), this is abstract thought." He said, holding your hand.

"What are you talking about? I go in here all the time. It’s a shortcut. You see." Said Sticks, pointing up to the "DANGER – KEEP OUT" sign above the door, "D-A-N-G-E-R. Shortcut. I’ll prove it to you." She said as she steps inside abstract thought, "Look at me. I’m closer to the station, cause I’m taking the shortcut!" She said, jumping around.

"L-let’s go around. This way." He said, pointing at the long way.

You sighed and looked back at Sticks, "Almost there."

You then looked at Shadow and removed his hand, "If you want to walk the long way, go for it. But remember, Cream needs to be happy. I’m not missing that train." You said as you entered into abstract thought, "Sticks knows what she's doing."

Shadow sighed and entered in as well. But little did you three know, was that someone closed the door. You all turned looked around and the abstract thought becomes activated rendering everything into abstract form. "Huh. Hey, will you look at that?" You looked around as you grabbed Shadow's hand tightly, "W-what’s happening?"

"Oh, no. They turned it on." Said Shadow. But you then looked at him and saw his cheeks turning red. "Well. Never seen this before." She said as she turns her form becomes abstract too scaring you and Shadow. She then started touching her abstract shaped face, "My face! My precious face!"

-Time Skip-
After that crazy abstracts, you all missed the train but went back to your normal form. "Oh no! Stop! No." You whined after missing the train, "I thought you said that was a shortcut." You said to the brown and orange badger. "I did. But, geez. We shouldn't gone in there. That was crazy. They should really put up a sign." Said Sticks, pointing with her thumb at the door.

"And how long will the next train come?" Asked Shadow to Sticks as she shrugged, "Who knows? But don’t worry, there’s another station, that way. The Train always stops there, right before it goes to Headquarters. If we hurry, we can catch it." Smiled Sticks as she skipped over the train tracks.

"Great!" You smiled but the black and red hedgehog narrowed his eyes at her, "This isn’t another one of your 'shortcuts', is it?" The brown and orange badger giggled and nodded, "Yeah! The other station is through here!" She smiled as you all looked up and a sign that said, "Imagination Land"

"Welcome to Imagination Land!" She smiled a hopped around. "Wow! Imagination Land?" You asked, looking around with your (e/c) eyes shining. "Yep, I come here all the time. I’m practically the mayor. Hey, you guys hungry? There’s Ice-Pop Island." She giggled as she ran up to the tall, colorful ice pops. "No way!" You smiled.

"Check it out! Tea Party Palace. We get to have cookies, tea and fancy guest with shiny trophies!" Giggled the brown and orange badger, showing you a castle-like house with a window, showing stuffed animals having a tea party.

"Oh, no! Lava!" You laughed as you all went to the Lava Lake. "Imagination Land is the best!" Smiled Sticks as Shadow just walked on the sidewalk, watching you, "Oh, has it all gotta be so interactive." He mumbled.

"Hey, look! The House of Cards. Oh, wait. Hang on just a minute." Said Sticks as she went over behind a garbage can and took out her car, "Your car!" You grinned. "Yeah. I hid it in there for safekeeping. And now I’m all set to take Cream to the moon!" She smiled as she extended her arms in excitement and accidentally knocking down the house of cards being built by two mind workers, "Oops."

Later, you three continued to look around, "Oh, I love Imagination Land." You said, wrapping your both arms around Shadow and Sticks. Sticks nodded and hugged you, "Isn’t it great? And there’s always something new like- Who the heck is that?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at a guy as a Mind Worker replied, "Imaginary boyfriend."

"I would die for Cream." Said the imaginary boy as you and Shadow gave a disgusted glare.

"Ew. I’ve never seen him before." Said the brown and orange badger.

"I live in Canada."

"Anyway, this way, through Preschool World. We’re nearly to the train." Said Sticks, pushing you two away from the imaginary boyfriend.

You smiled and walked faster, "Cream, here we come!"

Different But It's Love (Inside Out Parody: Shadow X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now