Giving Her A Nightmare

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-With you-
As you three were going up to headquarters by train, it stopped after Cream falling asleep. "Hey. Why aren’t we moving?" You asked a Mind Worker as it replied, "Cream's gone to sleep. We’re all on break." They said as they left. "You mean we’re stuck here until morning?" Asked Shadow out loud as Sticks nodded, "Yeah. The Train of Thought doesn’t run while she’s asleep." "Aw, we can’t wait that long." You whined. "How about we wake her up?" Asked Shadow. "Hm, good idea. But how?" You asked as he grabbed your chin and turned you to Dream Production just across from you guys.

Then, you all walked inside of Dream Productions. "Wow! This place is huge." You smiled as Shadow looked around, not smiling, "It looks so much smaller than I expected." He shrugged. You looked up at massive posters which look like movie posters of Cream's dreams. "Wow, 'I can fly'. I loved that one." Giggled Sticks. You gasped as you saw your favorite My Little Pony character, "(Favorite MLP character)! She’s right there." You whispered as you all try to walk quietly passed him/her. You continued to look at it with a big grin. Then Shadow went back and said to them, "My friend says you’re famous. She wants your autograph." But then you ran up to him and tried pulling him away, "No. Shadow, don’t bother Miss/Mr (Favorite MLP character), okay? Sorry he’s from out of town. It’s so embarrassing, right?" You said to them as you two left but you came back and quickly said, "I loved you when you teamed up in (Favorite show). Okay, bye. I love you." 

Later, you all came up to a door with flashing light and sign that says, "DO NOT ENTER WHEN LIGHT FLASHING" Sticks shrugged and looked at you, "Wonder what that means? Oh, well. Let’s go in." She smiled as you guys entered the studio where Cream's dreams are produced.

"Set up the classroom set! Today’s memories are in, we’ve got a lot to work with here. Cream dumped her best friend, had a miserable day at school and quit soccer. The writers had put together a killer script." Said the dream worker.

-Back with the others-
"Just because (Y/n) and Shadow are gone, I have the stupid dream duty." Mumbled Silver, pulling up a chair and sitting in front of the console with a mug of coffee.

-Back with you-
"Okay. How are we gonna wake her up?" You asked Shadow as he looked away, thinking. "Well, she wakes up sometimes when she has a scary dream. We could scare her." He suggested as you gave a shrug. "Well, worth a shot." But then you smiled as you spotted a dog costume, "Ooh, Cream loves dogs. Here, put this on." You said, hopping into the front side of the costume. "I don’t think that’ll work." He said, looking at the costume. "Sticks, don’t let anything happen to these." You said as you gave the bag containing the core memory orbs to Sticks. "Got it." She said with a nod and smile.

"We are on in five, four, three..."

The dream started at the classroom, with students and teachers. The teacher then gave a nervous smile and said, "Hello class. Before we begin today’s-"

-With Silver-
Back in headquarters Silver was watching Cream's dream, "Man, she is one bad actress." He chuckled as he continued to watch Cream's dream as they show her teeth falling out as she was introducing herself in class and the student making fun of her. "Yeah. Her teeth is falling out. Yeah, I’m used to that one. Let me guess, we have no pants on." Back to Cream's dream, a student pointed out, "Hey, look. She came to school with no pants on!" "Called it!"

-Back with you-
Then, you and Shadow were dressed up in the dog costume getting ready to crash Cream's dream. "Ready?" You asked, looking inside. "I don’t think this happy thing is going to work. But if we scare her-" "Yeah. Just follow my lead. Here we go." You giggled, forgetting the plan. You then crashed the dream running around in the dog costume.

"Bark, bark, bark-"

-Back with Silver-
"Uh, what’s going on?" Asked Silver, scratching his head as he took a sip from his coffee.

-With you-
You were attempting to infiltrate Cream’s dream to go wrong. "They’re trying to wake her up. Call security." Said the director. But suddenly Sticks shows herself in her dream, "Hi, Cream! Remember me? It’s me!" She smiled happily.

-With Silver-
He blinked and tilted his head in confusion, "Sticks the Badger?"

-With you-
You sighed and whispered, "Shadow, you are ruining this dream. You’re scaring her." You said but he then points, "But look, it’s working." He said as you watch as Cream's sleepmometer starts to swing closer to awake.

Then security came and stopped Sticks from being in the dream. The two guards piled on her as the director told the camera guy to turn away, but ended up seeing (Favorite MLP character) getting caught eating cupcakes/

-With Silver-
He blinked on what just happened but then shouted at (F/MLP/C), "Boo! Pick a Pot line." He said, leaning back on his chair.

-With you-
You and Shadow successfully escaped the two security guards, but they tool Sticks out. "You can’t do this. I know people in Headquarters." Screamed Sticks, threatening them. You then saw that they were taking her to Cream's subconscious. "No, no, no! There she goes, with the core memories." You squealed quietly. "N-not in there. I’m scared of the dark, please!" She begged. You looked at Shadow and and tilted your head to keep going, "Come on." You guys them saw a huge place, with big doors. You blinked and asked, "What is this place?" "The subconscious. It’s where they take all the troublemakers." Said Shadow, following you.

You two then hid to watch the guards keeping guard outside subconscious gates. "How do we get in?" You whispered to Shadow as he looked down to think, but he then leads you off.

You watched as the guards argue, but then Shadow try to break open the gates catching their attention on purpose. "Hey!" They shouted as you and Shadow raised your hands up in defence, "Oh, you caught us." Said the black and red hedgehog.

"Get back in there. No escaping." They said as they push you and Shadow through the gates and into subconscious. "I-I don’t like it here. It’s where they keep Cream’s darkest fears." Explained Shadow.

You two shivered in fear as you two accidentally ran into a giant spinach, "It’s spinach." You said, biting your lip in fear. Then a door opens with stairs leading down somewhere. "Oh no. The stairs to the biggest smite." Said Shadow. Then you heard a loud vacuum cleaner, "Miss. Aleena's vacuum cleaner!" You screamed as a giant vacuum cleaner chases after you two. But luckily, you two hid from it. But then, you found Sticks biting inside a metal cage.

"Sticks!" You smiled and whispered as she stopped biting and looked down and saw you, "(Y/n)?" "We've found you!" You smiled but Sticks hushed you as she was on top of a giant sleeping guy. "It’s Dr. Eggman." You stuttered as you felt your color dropped. You and Shadow sneaked up to Sticks as Eggman was sleeping. "Do you have the core memories?" You asked as Shadow was keeping a watch at Eggman. Sticks nodded, "Yeah. All he cared about was the candy." She said, almost freaked out. She then hands the bag of core memories to you as you helps Sticks escape and away from Eggman. "We’re outta here. Let’s get to that train." Screamed-whispered the brown and orange badger. But then, Shadow realized something, "Wait. The train is not running. We still have to wake up Cream." He then turned to look at Eggman, still sleeping. He looked at you as you gave a nod. "Oh, no." Said Sticks, thinking on what they're gonna do. You and Shadow got closer to Eggman and pulled his mustache, causing him to wake up.

"H-hey, Shadow. D-d-d-did you hear about Sonic winning another battle?" You said, making up an act for Eggman. "Yes, (Y/n). Wasn't it great since nobody thought about ruling the world?" Said Shadow, also acting, but wasn't scared at all. "Did you say that Sonic won?!" Asked Eggman, furiously. You nodded and gulped, "A-and there’s going to be a party t-t-to celebrate his v-v-v-victory." "And a statue and awards for him." Added Shadow. "What?! That blue rat!!!" Screeched the tall man. You nodded, "Y-yeah. F-f-f-follow us. I-i-if you wanna destroy him." You said, gulping and sweating.

Eggman starts stomping around and follows you three. "Nothing like a good scare to wake you up, right?" You asked as you three started to run. Then outside, Eggman punched the gates as you three escaped and ready to scare Cream. But you all then saw that Eggman came barging in as he shouted, "I'll get you!!!"

-With Silver-
He gasped in horror as he saw Eggman. He pressed a button before fainting. Making the young rabbit to wake up, gasping.

-With you-
As Cream woke up, you three hopped on the train. "Yes! It worked!!" You cheered.

Different But It's Love (Inside Out Parody: Shadow X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now