OFFICIAL Cream's First Date

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((I got mainly positive comments and so... I'm doing this for you guys! Love ya! 😘😍😘))

It was a windy day at San Francisco. Randy heard a knock on the door. He went to check and saw a male, yellow bumblebee. The young, yellow bumblebee asked, "Is Cream here?"

And with that, Randy's emotions started to panic. "Red alert!!" Shouted Eggman as they pushed a button as it started making siren noises and the emotions pressing buttons to calm down Randy.

Later, the boy was now inside of their house. Randy and Vanilla started to have an unexpected reaction. "There's a BOY in MY house!" Whispered Randy to Vanilla from a far distance from the boy. "I know that's she's going with a group of friends to the mall. But this isn't a date... Or is it? I'll ask Cream." Said Vanilla, walking upstairs.

But as she was walking upstairs, her emotions started to freak out. "I don't like this!" Growled Karen. "This CAN'T be a date! She's only 12!" Panicked Sofia. But Maria then had an idea, "Hey, let's probe. But how about we use those cool words what kids would say these days, so it's not obvious." She said as Vanilla came up to Cream's room. "So, uh... What's the deal-io with Charmy over there? OMG! He is so fo-sheezie!"

This caused Cream to look in shock, hearing her own mother saying those words. As for her pet, Cheese only blinked. But with her emotions, they were really confused. "Did she just say 'fo-sheezie'?" Asked (Y/n), scratching her head. Shadow tilted his head and sighed, "I-I don't understand... What's wrong with her?" "Ugh! This is JUST embarrassing! I can't! I'm done here!" Gagged Rouge, waking away.

-Back downstairs-
With Randy and Charmy, they were both sitting at the table, across from each other as Randy continued to glare at Charmy. "I know what your doing here, Charmy!" Hissed Eggman as the other emotions agreed.  "You think you don't know, but I know what you're doing here, you little punk!" He growled as Chris added, "He's no good enough for Cream! No one is!!" He shouted.

"Go back to jail!!" Hollered out Ray. "What are you looking for, Charmy?! Something to steal?!" Growled Eggman. "Like our step-daughter!" Commented Ray. "Should we say something?" Asked Chris as Eggman shook his head, "No. He'll be expecting that. Give him the 'Silent Treatment'." He demanded, "He's about to crack. I could feel it." He smirked as Randy, on the outside continued to glare at him.

But inside of Charmy's head, his emotions were riding skateboards and going all wild with loud rock music all over the place. But on the outside, he was just staring into space.

Back in Randy's mind, Chris then said, "No response." He said as Eggman then hopped out of his chair and walked closer to the screen, "Two can play it that game, Charmy. Intimidate!" He command as Chris pressed a button, multiple times.

But in Charmy's mind, Tails noticed Randy and asked, "Dude. What's he looking at?" "Probably your dumb hat!" Laughed Manic as he flipped Tails' hat off as he growled and attacked him. Sonic chuckled as he watched, on his skateboard but then tripped over as memory orbs crashed everywhere as on the outside, Charmy let out a chuckle.

"Sir! Intimidation is failing!" Said Chris, back in Randy's mind. "Increase the pressure! Engage!" Demanded Eggman as Randy then said, "So, Charmy. What do you like to do, for fun?" He asked, gritting his teeth.

"I dunno. Stuff." Shrugged Charmy.

"Sir, that sounds like back talk." Said Chris. Then, Eggman then snapped, "THAT'S IT!! HE'S OUTTA HERE!! Give him the boot!!" "Yes, sir! Launching boot!" Nodded Chris. Everyone buckled up as a lever appeared. Chris gulped as he waited for Eggman's command. "On my mark. In 5... 4... 3... 2..."

"Oh... I play in a band and work as a detective. That's fun." Shrugged Charmy.

"Wait!! We were in a band." Said Eggman as they pulled up a memory with Randy in a band back in his early years. "I was in a band. Lead guitar." Chuckled Randy.

"Cool! I rock the bass." Smiled Charmy.

"My favorite part was AC/DC." They said in a union as they both gasped.


-Back upstairs-
As Cream and her mother continued to talk, Cream then said, "Mother! Ew! No! It's not a date! We're just going out to the mall with a group of friends." She said as she finished brushing her ears. "Oh! Fun! That'll be off the hook! LOL!" Said Vanilla as Cream's eyes widened more. "Stop talking like that!!" Shouted Knuckles, inside of Cream's head. "Wait. Where's Charmy?!" Panicked Silver. Then, Cream asked her mom, "Wait. Did you leave Charmy with Randy? Mother! This is so embarrassing!" She said as her cheeks burned in embarrassment. She then walked downstairs as her mother replied, "Oh, Cream. You know Randy would never do anyth-"

Then, all of a sudden, loud rock music was heard from downstairs. As Cream got to the halfway from downstairs, her chestnut eyes widened as she saw Randy and Charmy, playing imaginary guitars. Randy then kicked the chair and then the table, making Cream to blush in embarrassment.

"Bye, Mother. Bye Mr. Father." Said Cream as she walked out of the house with Charmy, still playing his imaginary guitar. "Bye, guys. " Waved Randy. "Peace out, my homies." Smiled Vanilla as she gave a peace sign.

"Ya know, Charmy's a good kid." Said Randy, with a smile as Vanilla hugged him, "You're not so bad yourself." She smiled as Randy's emotions then reacted. "Sir! The wife is initiated contact! What do we do now?" Whimpered Chris. "This is our chance. Give her the look!" He demanded as Randy then gave her a smolder.

But as Vanilla's emotions saw this, Sonia sighed, "He's making that stupid face again." "Ugh! Should we smack him?" Asked Karen. "Aw, come on, guys! He's adorable!" Giggled Sally as she pushed a button. Making Vanilla to smile as she then puckered her lips, leaning in.

"There's the signal."

"We are in go! I repeat, we are in go!" Said Chris as they started pushing buttons. "We are in contact in 5... 4... 3... 2..."

As they're lips touched, Randy's emotions went crazy wild. Fireworks her coming out of nowhere.

But as for Vanilla's emotions, they smiled as an 80's pop music was in their background. "I'm good. You girls good?" Asked Maria as everyone nodded. She then pressed a button as Vanilla pulled away, "Ok, that's enough."

"Oh. Right. I'm going to go and fix the table." He said as he shuts the door.

((I hope you liked it! I worked so hard on it ^^))

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