Chapter 5

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 "Those little pieces of..." Rebecca cursed under her breathe.

 She stood in front of her locker. It was her first day at Roosevelt high school. She didn't get a great welcome. The kids had stared and begun to spread rumors. Word had got around about her living with a foster parent. Extravagant rumors of her real parents set like wildfire. Rebecca slowly closed her locker door.

 "Hello there!" Someone said from behind.

 She turned around to see a girl with red hair and big blue eyes. freckles were sprinkled on her face. She wore a yellow head band and a yellow shirt. Rebecca looked her over and stayed silent.

 "I'm April," The girl said. After earning no reply she continued. "Your Rebecca right?"

 She nodded her head and clutched her messenger bag tighter.

 Just then a boy with dark hair skated into the hall way. His teeth were jacked up and he wore a beanie. He moved over to April.

 "Who's this Red?" The boy asked. He held a hockey stick.

 "Hey that's what I call Ra..." She stopped herself remembering giant turtles weren't normal. "That's what I call one of my... friends"

 "Sweet. I'm Casey," He held out a fist.

 Rebecca eyed it for a moment and then realized it was suppose to be a fist bump. After an awkward hesitation she hit her knuckle against his.

 "I'm Rebecca," She smiled.

 "You should sit with us at lunch," April suggested.

 "That would be wicked," Casey grinned showing his twisted teeth.

  "Sure. I'll look for you at lunch," Rebecca waved and walked to her next class. Maybe everyone here wasn't a jerk after all.

 Soon the bell rang for lunch. Rebecca entered and the room fell silent. April approached her and led her to their table ignoring the stares. Casey chilled at the table.

 "Hey," He took a bite of his food.

 Rebecca weakly waved back. They silently ate as the lunchroom drifted a few voices.

 "So..." April tried to make an attempt of a conversation. "How do you like Roosevelt High?"

 "So far its a piece of crap," She replied bluntly. "But meeting you guys has made it a little better."

 April smiled.

 "Sorry about them. The kids can be mean. I had a rumor spread about me when I came here for the first time," April gave her a pat on the back.

 "Rebecca if you don't mind me asking but where were you before you moved to the big apple?" Casey asked interested.

 "Montana. Its a big change from the grassy fields to well New York," Just as Rebecca started to warm up to the conversation something splattered onto her.

 She looked to see a mixture of spaghetti and mashed potatoes dripping down her hair. Rebecca looked up to see a girl flanked by two others holding her tray over her.

 "Oops..." The girl said in sarcastic tone. "Must have slipped."

 The two girls giggled and the lunchroom rumbled with laughter. Casey stood up and walked over to them.

 "Hey! You listen here! I'm not allowed to hit girls but you cant just..." He was stopped by Rebecca's hand. She held his shoulder.

 "Sit down Casey," A cold dark voice had replaced her usual sound.

 "But..." He tried to argue.

 "I can fight my own battles," She turned to the smug girls with their hands on their hips. "Besides," Rebecca cracked her knuckles. "I'm allowed to hit girls."

 The next thing the girl knew a hard object slammed into her making her smirked disappear. She fell to the ground with blood slowly beginning to gush out of her nose. Rebecca stood over her rubbing her knuckles.

 "Now be a nice girl and run along," Rebecca said with a dark smile.

 The girl was trembling and was helped up by her two frightened friends. They quickly left the lunchroom. Murmurs could be heard. She then slowly sat down and began to eat her food calmly. Casey looked at her in awe and April's head twirled left and right looking if a teacher saw.

 "I'm sorry where were we?" Rebecca asked cheerfully.

 "This a start of a great friendship," April thought.

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