Chapter 30

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Rebecca gasped for air as she managed to squeeze out through a tube to escape the mutagen. She coughed up the green ooze. It took her a moment for her vision to return.

Donnie had finished off the last Kraang robot and ran to her aid. Leo and Raph wore concerned faces as Rebecca lay on the ground.

"I'm alright." She breathed. Everything felt normal.

"Woah.... um... dudette..." Mikey looked at her strangely.

"What?" Rebecca asked confused.

"Your um..." Raph shuffled his feet.

"A...turtle." Leo finished.

"Eeeeeeeh!!!" Rebecca screamed. Her hands were green and turtle like. Only three fingers were there. "No no no!" She rocked herself back and forth on the ground. The turtles had crowded around her. "No..." Rebecca was in complete disbelief. "What about school? What about friends!? I can't go like this!"

Tears streamed out of her eyes. She held her head in her hands. Only two toes were on her feet. She could feel something heavy on her back. A shell. Rebecca put a hand on her chest to feel the plastron. It was real. She could still feel her hair though.

Four arms wrapped around her. Leo and Raph. She cried into their arms. Mikey and Donnie began to comfort her too.

Rebecca peeked over one of the boys shoulders to see Karai in the distance. She held a rope that led out of the cave. She wore an evil smile looking at Rebecca's new form.Then something surprised her. The cat jumped into Karai's arms and they both disappeared through the top. The cat was with the enemy all along.

They sat there silently as Rebecca's sniffles echoed through the cave. It felt like she had been there for hours. But every minute felt like an eternity.

  "Let's take her home." Leo said. Raph gently picked her up. They made their way out. Soon they had made it back to the farm. Splinter took one look at Rebecca and immediately turned to his eldest son.

 "Leonardo what has happened?" He asked.

 "She fell into some mutagen." Leo said sadly.

 "But how is she a... turtle?" Splinter said confused.

 "Well Raph and Leo did touch her last." Donnie tapped his chin. "But still.... That's a one out of a hundred chance that she would turn into one of us."

 "Not to mentions she held my cat." Mikey added. Splinter raised an eyebrow. "Oh um... Long story." Mikey said with a nervous smile.

 "We must let her rest." Splinter ordered. "Put Rebecca in her bed and check on her regularly." The turtles nodded their heads. Raph walked up the stairs as Rebecca dozed off.

 "If it makes you feel any better... I think your cute still." He whispered gently to her. Rebecca stayed silent. He lowered her into her bed and tucked her in. "Sleep until we can resolve the issue." Raph leaned in to give Rebecca a small kiss to the fore head.

 "Raph?" Leo had entered. The red clad turtle pulled away quickly. "Leave her to rest." Leo crossed his arms in a jealous manner. Raphs face was annoyed as he walked past Leo bumping shoulders. Leo watched him leave and then looked over at Rebecca. With one final glance he closed the door.

 Hours had gone by until the whole day had been spent. Leo went in to check her for the last time for the night. What he saw made his heart skip a beat. Rebecca's human face was poking out from her covers. He quietly made his way over to her.

  Leo moved away some of the blanket to make sure his eyes weren't tricking him. He put the sheet back abruptly. He thought he saw a snake in her bed. Then Rebecca shifted and a pillow fell off her head to reveal two ears poking out from her hair. Leo took a step back. Rebecca turned on her side as some of the sheet came off. A tail poked out. Leo went over to it and poked the flicking tail. It curled up close to her.

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