Chapter 21

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It was about three in the morning when Rebecca and Raph made it back to the sewers.

"Were home," Raph exclaimed. No reply. She looked around the tidy house. Her small doll lay on the couch. She had never put it there. Raph was about to step in when Rebecca put a hand on his shoulder.

"Wait... Something's not right," She was dead serious. Raph looked at the house and saw no sign of threat.

"What do you mean? It's our home... It's always safe." Raph was very confused.

"She's right little turtle," A familiar voice spoke.

"Will..." Rebecca breathed. Raph slid out his sias.


Slowly her brother appeared from the hallway.

"How did you find this place!?" Rebecca stuttered.

"Well isn't it obvious? The doll has a tracking chip." Will smirked. Her eyes grew big.

"What's going on Rebecca?" Raph looked at Will angrily.

"She hasn't told you about me, little turtle?" Will looked at her. "I thought family didn't keep secrets from one another."

"Shut up! What did you do with the others!?" Rebecca interrupted.

"Oh the other three turtles and that grotesque rat?" Will pushed his luck and drew close. "That one in the orange was such a cry baby...." Will grinned. Raphs anger began to rise. "The one in the purple was easy to beat after we broke that wooden stick of his." He tapped his chin in thought. "The blue one put up a fight... Of course we beat him... I mean he just woke up." Will kept provoking Raph.

"He kept shouting names... What was it? Oh ya.. Donatello... Michelangelo and Rapheal.... I think that might have been the turtles we were taking... And then he said your name, little sister." Will watched Raphs reaction.

"This guy is your brother?!" Raph stated in shock.

"Not now Raph..." Rebecca shot back.

"So your the one the blue turtle was talking about." Will changed into a weak puny voice. "Raph where's Raph...."

"Y-your bluffing...." Raph looked at his face. "Splinter would have stopped you."

"Oh you mean the rat?" Will looked at him lazily. "We got him. Like I said we attacked when everyone was asleep. He did put up a fight..." Raph cut him off.

"That could never happen you...jerk!"

Raph was completely angered. He lunged at Will with his sias. He swiftly dodged the attack and blocked a series of punches to him. Raph gave reckless swings.

"Stop!" Rebecca didn't know what else to do.

"Looks like I can't deliver my message... Oh well..." Will back flipped to the open exit. "You'll find the blue turtle here. He'll tell you what you must do." He then threw a smoke bomb and disappeared. Raph breathed heavily and looked for Will in the smoke. No luck.

"Raph!" Rebecca saw movement in one of the rooms.

Raph ignored her and searched for Will. She flipped on the lights and found Leo laying on the ground. He had a giant gash in his arm. His face was beaten and bruised with small cuts seeping out blood.

"Leo!" Rebecca knelt down and propped his head up on her. He opened his eyes slightly and looked at her.

"Rebecca..." He said weakly.

"Raph get over here now!" Rebecca called. Raph entered. His face changed from anger to complete worry.

"Leo!" The turtle knelt down by his brother.

Raph stared at his brother in shock. Tears formed in Rebecca's eyes. The red clad turtle shook his head and spoke.

"I'm going to get the first aid kit from Donnie's lab."

"Donnie?" Leo tried to sit up but winced in pain. Rebecca gently laid him back down.

"Stay with him," Raph ordered and ran out of the room. A tear slid down Rebecca's face and landed on Leo.

"Don't cry... It's just a scratch..." Leo smiled. The tears slid down her face rapidly.

"This is all my fault... I'm sorry." Rebecca sobbed. Leo shushed her.

"None of this is your fault....I was just too weak to defend my brothers..." She interrupted him.

"No. I led them here and it's all my fault." It was silent except for the sniffles of Rebecca.

"What happened to Donatello and Michelangelo?" Leo paused. "And Master Splinter?"

"Taken..." Raph entered and began to work on Leos wounds. "All their rooms show sign of a struggle... Not enough blood stains for them to be dead."

"We need to save them..." Leo tried to sit up again.

"Your hurt." Raph laid him back. "You can't go in this condition."

Rebecca remembered Will saying something about a message but Leo seemed to not have much information. She heard a small crinkling of paper. Rebecca looked to see a small parchment attached to Leos shell. She gently pried it loose and read it aloud.

"We have taken your family. Turn yourself in and we promise theirs and your demise will be fast. You have until four or we kill them.... And hunt you." The turtles looked at her in horror. "Signed Will..." She choked up.

"What do we do?" Raph finally said.

"Who's this Will guy?" Leo wondered aloud.

"H-he's... My brother." Rebecca stuttered.

Well that escalated quickly...

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